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I'll bring him back to you, I promise.

The group, minus Jasper, took off running. Juliet was still in shock and could barely move, so Monty was pulling her along by her wrist. Juliet felt the pressure on her wrist disappear looking up too see Monty trip and fall to the floor. She immediately reached down to grab his arm. Octavia came to help her grabbing his other arm. They shared a look and Juliet could see the fear in her eyes.

"Come on Monty, get up." Octavia grunted out. Juliet noticed how he didn't seem to hear her and followed his line of vision. She stared eye wide at the human bones laid in front of them.

"Who are they?" Finn whispered staring between all the human remains scattered across the floor.

Juliet watched as Clarke picked up a human skull, or at least that's what she thought it was until she saw how disfigured it was. "What are they?" Clarke asked staring at the odd shape.

"We are so screwed." Octavia whispered from the other side of Monty with Juliet nodding in agreement.

At the sound of a scream everybody froze turning their heads. "Jasper." Clarke whispered at the same time Juliet took off sprinting in the direction of the scream. Clarke immediately followed causing everyone to rush after the two.

"Juliet! Clarke! Wait!" Finn yelled after them trying to catch up.

Clarke quickly caught up to the other blonde and held her hand letting her pull her along. Finn reached Clarke and pulled back, immediately stopping Juliet. "Wait, stay behind the trees." He whispered to them.

Juliet looked straight ahead noticing Jasper missing. She looked back to the others in confusion.

"He was just there." Finn whispered staring straight across.

"Where is he?" Monty asked in fear. Juliet stared at him and frowned seeing the look on his face.

"They took him." Clarke whispered and Juliet watched as Monty's shoulders slumped and his eyes glazed over. She reached out and grasped his wrist giving it a gentle squeeze. He didn't seem in any way reassured, but he didn't push her away either.

They started walking back the the drop sight in silence. Monty and Juliet helped Octavia walk. She was still hurt from the creature in the river yesterday.

"Wells, let him go." Juliet's head snapped up at Clarke's order. She stared at Wells in confusion as he held Murphy with a knife to his throat. They had made it back to camp, but there was more hostility than when they left.

Wells looked at Clarke and then to Juliet who was still holding up Octavia. He threw Murphy to the ground who immediately stood back up and went to charge him. Bellamy stepped in before he could do anything more.

"Octavia." Bellamy yelled noticing her limping form as they carried her back into camp. Juliet let go of her so he could take her. "Where's the food?" He asked looking at Clarke.

"We didn't make it to Mount Weather." Finn answered sitting down on a log.

"What the hell happened out there?" Bellamy asked staring at the group noticing the look of distraught resembling on all their faces.

"We were attacked." Clarke announced causing everyone in camp to freeze.

"Attacked by what?" Wells asked in worry staring at his two friends. Juliet just looked back out into the forest, not sure what to do.

"Not what, who." Finn explained running his hand through his hair. "Turns out when the last man from the ground died on the ark, he wasn't the last grounder."

Shadow and a Dancer ➵ monty greenOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant