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If we don't have hope, we don't have anything.

"His pulse is thirty." Clarke announced looking between Jasper and the watch in her hand. He was moaning in pain, he has been since he woke up. It was causing everyone in camp to be agitated. Juliet wasn't sure what to do, they didn't have proper medicine down here.

"Shut that kid up." Someone from outside yelled. Juliet clenched her fist trying to fight the urge to go and shut up whoever spoke.

"Be quiet." Someone else yelled and Juliet was about to move, but Clarke's voice stopped her.

"Don't listen to them. You're going to make it through this, okay? Promise." Clarke whispered to Jasper pushing his hair to the side.

"Can he just die already?" Another voice yelled and Clarke gave Juliet a warning look. She sighed and looked down at Jasper getting lost in her own thoughts.

"I'm going to get clean water. Keep an eye on him." Juliet nodded and took a washcloth wiping the sweat off his forehead. Monty came and sat on the other side of his best friend. Neither of them spoke a word as Jasper kept moaning in pain.

"Thank you again..." Monty whispered trying to catch her eye. She smiled at him and gave a slight nod showing she heard him. "He'll be okay right?"

Juliet stared intensely at her hands holding the washcloth. She wasn't sure how to answer him properly. She cleared her throat slightly, brushing her hair behind her ears. "You have to have hope."

A doubtful look appeared on Monty's face as her voice reached his ears. "What good is hope?"

"Hope is everything. If we don't have hope, we don't have anything." Juliet took in her own words. Up until now she was okay with the idea that she wouldn't make it, but now she has her fiends, people she cares about. Hope is the only thing keeping her from shutting down.

Her words seemed to satisfy the shaggy haired boy in front of her. He gave her a appreciative look and small nod. They both sat not speaking a word, the only sound to be heard was Jasper's labored breathing mixed with moans of pain.

Clarke walked back into the drop ship a few minutes later. She came and sat next to her blonde haired friend and let out a frustrated sigh. Finn walked in and leaned against the drop ship wall across from them.

"The grounders cauterized the wound. It saved his life." Clarke spoke to no one in particular, lost in her own thoughts.

"They saved his life so they could string him up for live bait." Finn added causing everyone to glare at him. "Garden of Eden the saint." He supplied putting his hands up in mock surrender.

"This is infected, he could be septic. Any progress on using the wristbands to contact the ark?" Monty didn't respond he just stared mindlessly at Jasper. "Monty?"

"That would be a firm no." He answered giving Clarke a hard look.

Juliet watched as Wells came up the stairs. She tensed, they haven't spoke since their argument in the woods.

"My mother would know what to do." Clarke sighed, Juliet could tell she was frustrated.

Wells came and crouched next to Clarke. "How's he doing?"

"How does it look like he's doing, Wells?" Clarke snapped.

"I'm just trying to help."

"Alright you wanna help? Hold him down." Clarke instructed and Wells reached forward to hold Jasper's legs down. Juliet and Finn held down his arms to keep him from moving. They all watched silently as Clarke grabbed her knife and held it in the fire, warming up the blade.

Shadow and a Dancer ➵ monty greenWhere stories live. Discover now