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When they arrived at Eri's school, Kai had walked out of the car and waited for his niece at the entrance gate. He could see other parents arriving shortly after him, some of them talking to one another as they pass him.

When the school bell rang, he could see a swarm of students exiting and excitedly running out to their parent's arms, telling them about their day while others show off their newly acquired quirks. 

He quickly found Eri, who was talking to who he assumed as her teacher, and walked over to the duo. "Oh, is that your Uncle Kai, Eri?" The teacher said, pointing at the brunette. Kai smiled under his mask, from where he stood, he could see how young the teacher was. Green hair, freckled face and slim body, he'd be lying to himself if he didn't found the young man attractive. 

Eri looked up, her eyes shined when he saw Kai. She ran up to him, the older male crouched down and held the little girl in his arms. He could here the freckled man chuckled. Kai stood up as Eri held onto his hand, "I'll see you tomorrow teacher! I'll make sure to bring cute bandages!" 

Kai could see the younger male's breath hitched, his hair swaying left to right as he shook his head. "I'm sure I'll be fine," 

Kai raised his brow but didn't question it as to not make the teacher feel uncomfortable. "Let's go Eri," Kai said, she merely nodded and waved goodbye as the two walked to the car.

Kai sat Eri behind the back seat before seating at the front. "Eri, I would like to ask a questions," Kai said, earning a hum from Eri, "What do you mean by bringing bandages?"

The question caught Eri off guard, but none the less answered him, "Teacher Izuku always get bullied by other teacher, they always call him names and they would always pull pranks on him," Eri said, anger slowly boiling up in her little body, "Teacher has always been nice to us and would always give us advice on how to control and improve our quirks, even when he doesn't have a quirk," 

Kai's eyes widened at her words, "quirkless?" 

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