Captive PART 2 (Yandere!Thunderstorm x Reader)

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Third Person's POV

(F/N) slowly regain her consciousness, but instead of light, she was met with darkness. "W-what?" Her body was immobilized by tight ropes and her sight was completely covered by a blindfold. What happened? She wondered. She was in the middle of searching for Ying and suddenly...

'Ugh! What is that smell?!' It's smells like an odor of death, like something is decaying. Whatever it is, it's so strong that she could faint.

"H-hello?" Her voice was hoarse. Her body was numb. It's like she stayed in this position for days now. She's well convince that someone knock her out. There was a stinging pain at her head, if that person hit her harder than she could've suffered more than just a headache. "Is someone here?"

"Help!" Her words keep echoing inside the room she's in. She keeps struggling but her efforts were worthless as the ropes secure her with severe tightness.

While she keeps struggling, her sense of hearing alerts her with the sounds of  footsteps of an approaching figure. "I see you're awake." A familiar voice said. A voice she was certain that belongs to either Boboiboy or any of his Boboiboy elements. But who?

The owner of the voice remove her blindfold. After adjusting to the only light (the one directly above her) and boy! did her eyes widen for fractions before a scowl soon followed as the captive growl at the stoic male in front of her. "Thunderstorm! What is the meaning of this?!"

"(F/N) you should stop struggling now. You're going to hurt yourself." Is he crazy? Why the fudge would he tie you up in the first place? Or did Cyclone dared him to prank her?

"Thunderstorm is this some crazy pranks of your's and Ying? If so, it's not funny. Help me untie the rope." She demanded, getting annoyed by the second but what's making her more annoyed is that Thunderstorm didn't even bulge on his spot and keeps staring at her struggling self. For a second there, his eyes glows a dangerous pool of red.

Did it send shivers done her spine? Definitely. But the prey beneath the predator kept her cool and ask once again because it's getting dangerously hot in here. "Dude, I would appreciate if you quit staring and help me here."

"I'm afraid I can't." The boy knelt a knee and now, they are facing each eye to eye. This action cause her to stiffen a bit, something about him feels different today. To utter her surprise, his gloved hand cups her soft cheeks, Thunderstorm was looking at her very lovingly full of longing, but the girl wasn't flattered the least. It felt weird and so wrong. He clearly knows she's dating her little brother and yet, he's touching her like a loving husband would do to his significant other.

"You're so beautiful (F/N)." He whispered.

"T-thunderstorm?" She couldn't help but feel weak in his gaze. It's scaring her. "O-okay, you got me hehe." She laugh a bit nervously to ease her mind. She was still convincing herself that this is all just a prank and Thunderstorm is a good actor for acting like a psychopathic maniac. "You can stop the act now Thunderstorm. I-I bet the others are looking for us. I bet Solar is getting worrie- ack--"

What was Thunderstorm doing? He didn't know either but after his name left her lips, he subconsciously suddenly tugs her locks. It triggered him, tortured him. Was it because her lips uttered another man's name or was it because it's Solar, maybe both. And he was not happy about it.

He didn't notice the pain he was causing her because of he was blinded jealousy. That is until (F/N) snap back. "What the fudge is wrong with you?!" And she is not gonna hold her rage on the male's action. "You have the audacity to pull my hair? Not even my enemies can pull my hair! Stop this fucking madness and release me Thunder--"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2020 ⏰

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