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        Connor knows Evan Hansen. Well, Connor knows of Evan Hansen. The blond is his younger sister's best friend. Maybe that was why they didn't talk much, or maybe it was just because nobody talked to Connor. They did talk once, though Connor did most of the talking. Evan just kind of stumbled over his words the whole time and stood there while Connor signed his cast.

But that was months ago and Evan's cast was long gone. However, the boy himself had somehow managed to worm his way into his sister's life. If it weren't for the fact that Connor knew for a fact that Zoe had a thing for Alana Beck, he would have thought the two were dating. His parents knew nothing of how close Zoe and Evan are. Evan always came over when Cynthia and Larry were out, and he never stayed for dinner. Of course, the two knew who Evan was. Zoe had mentioned him here and there. However, the younger refrained from mentioning him too much as she wasn't out to their parents and didn't want them to get the wrong idea.

So, yeah. Connor knows little things about Evan. Like how he's really into nature and that he's in AP English. Honestly, Connor should have known that before Zoe said anything. He was in AP English. No matter, Connor was about to find out a lot more about Evan due to Evan finally being comfortable enough to burst into the Murphey household whenever he felt like it. It helped that Zoe had given him a key.

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