chapter 1

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My name is Asmau but my friends call me 'husna' . I am a therapist and the CEO of husna counselling clinic and psychotherapy center . I was able to achieve these with my hard work ,the help of Allah and support fom my family and of course am still planning to further my education.
When everyone else was giddily in love and spent all their time with their partners i spent most of my time thinking of how to improve my counselling clinic and further my education.
Waking  up to the call of adhan calling to prayer for fajr (early morning prayer) from my phone. I groaned " ohhh another week has started again? I ask myself the weekend was too fast "

i wish weekends could be three days.

I stood up lazily went to the bathroom to perform ablution before observing salah( prayer) . After the two rakah prayer i quickly made supplications to my Lord before getting up and making my way to the kitchen.

I quickly made a breakfast of scrambled egg with pancakes and lemon tea for my family. As if she knew I was done cooking my mother stepped into the kitchen just after I was done serving breakfast . "as-salamalekum mum she greeted her mother who in turn replied giving her daughter a smile and Pat on the head making quick supplication for her. Wa ni alubarika Omo mi( bless you my daughter)  she said.  And just like every other mother she asked to know if I was already in a relationship that will lead to marriage " ni gbawo ni wato mu oko wale" ( when will you introduce your man/ boyfriend to the family) . Are you kidding me mom , it too early to talk about this  i said . She looked at me and said " be looking at me like that  you will soon be thirty , I married your father when I was twenty one " she said as if I was clocking thirty tomorrow.

When am not even yet 26 for goodness sake I just clocked 25  last month .

I sighed and frowned saying soon mum soon.
We had just settled to start eating when  father and Amir my older brother joined the table murmuring some greetings before continuing the rest of my breakfast. I quickly  finished my food and went to my room . " husna are you joining the family for dinner tonight " mother asked . "No ma I have a lot to do , I will be quite late today" i replied .

I descended the stairs already dressed I'm my work outfit of a peach and skirt black top, a black veil with a peach kimono with her black heels to complete the look.

I had to leave the house as early as possible due to the traffic ....I hate tardiness. I live in Ilorin the capital of Kwara State and of course was bound to be traffic especially since it was a Monday
Driving into my office arena I greeeted a few people and was greeted by my employees while making my way into my office which was on the second floor. Entering to my office I sighed on  seeing the files stacked up on my mahogany table by my secretary . I quickly say a quick  prayer and started working on the files ....a few needed signing while most of it were of cases I would be handling during the week.

On checking my schedule for the day I realised that i had an appointment with Michelle a young girl of about 7 years old who was traumatized and has been having night mares since she got into an accident with her mother. And afterward I will be having a company meeting with my co- therapists and every other employee......hmm are you wondering what co- therapists are ? They are my team of course I cannot do all the work alone so I have people that specialize in different fields in counselling handling cases . But I specialized in marriage counseling and psychotherapy . But I some times take- up cases on substance abuse counselling.

While working on the files my mind wandered to a case of a married couple that I had last week these couple were almost at the verge of divorcing because they lack communication in their marriage. Both of them felt the other party was not the same person they actually got married to. And still they found it difficult to talk about their marriage to a third party.

Counselling or therapy is not just something that happen between two people , it involves 2 individual who are ready to communicate and the client is therefore helped to gain insight into their problem i had told them .Perhaps being a practicing therapist has made me learn a lot and gather  a lot of experiences in the past few years. Although it has not being easy because not all clients are ready to communicate easily with a stranger.
But still with all the challenges , I love my work ,I love what I do .

And gbam I dropped it like that . I hope you enjoyed so excited 😁😁to drop the first chapter I hope you are as excited as I am😍

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May Allah protect us 🙏 from covid19 ....stay safe and stay home enjoy.
Love you guys ❤❤❤

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