The Devil Wears Girl Jeans (Chapter 66)

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I cried as soon as I saw his picture on the program they were handing out as you walked in. Sammy had always liked to write poetry, so Lacey, being the artist that she was, had hunted through his belongings until she found one of his poems, and printed it on the back of the program. I nodded solemnly at one of Sammy's cousins as I walked in, and searched the room for Lacey. She was seated in the second row by herself, so I assumed Quinn and Dallas were either setting up their equipment, or they were late.

I took a seat just as the pastor shuffled across the small stage, stopping at a podium stacked with papers. Lacey took my hand in hers and squeezed it, and I let out a shaky breath. This was going to be harder than I thought.

“How terrible it is to love something death can touch.” he started, and then paused, allowing a few minutes for the hushed, sad silence broken by whispers and crying to set in. “Friends, we have gathered here to celebrate and remember Samuel Thistlethwaite, who left us far too soon at the tender age of 17. He amounted to great things in his brief life, such as...”

The pastor rambled on for nearly 30 minutes before finally, Sammy's sister stood up and coughed. She looked so much like him, it physically pained me to look at her. The pastor shuffled off stage a few minutes later, and she took his place, pushing the podium out of the way so that it was just the microphone.

“This song is for Sammy. He's the best brother you could ever ask for, and it's amazing how fast things can change. I became an only child over night. I hope for all of your guys's sake, you'll never have to experience what that feels like. Anyways, this one is called Ronan by Taylor Swift. I hope you enjoy.”

I managed to keep it together until the chorus, but thats when everyone completely lost it. Lacey was sobbing so hard she couldn't breathe, and off in the corner of the room, I could see Quinn and Dallas hugging eachother, both of them trembling as they cried.

“Flowers pile up in the worst way, no one knows what to say, about a beautiful boy who died,” she sang, and then stopped suddenly, tears streaming down her face. “I cant,” she croaked, and walked off the stage with her head down. Her mom was there immediately, stroking her hair and whispering to her.

“My turn,” Lacey whispered, taking a tenative step towards the stage where Dallas and Quinn were standing, guitars draped over their shoulders, their faces blank. Not a trace of the usual excited giddiness that they usually got whenever they performed.

“Hey,” Tristan whispered sadly, taking a seat beside me in Lacey's chair. Wordlessly, I wrapped my arms around his neck. He pulled me onto his lap, and I sobbed into his shoulder as the band warmed up. I'm pretty sure Quinn made a speech of some sort, but I was crying too hard to notice or care.


“Remember just to live everyday like it's your last, and hooooold me now cause I think it's time for me to pass. I don't wanna die, I don't know why this kind of fate was meant for me, you gotta be strong, gotta move on. It's not how it was supposed to be.”

“Goddamn it, Quinn,” I sniffled, wiping my nose on the sleeve of my dress, “Of course he chooses the saddest song possible.”

“Shh, they have something else planned too.” Tristan murmured, resting his chin on my head. I turned to see what was happening, and fresh tears sprung to my eyes. It was a miracle that I hadn't run out of tears already, because I was basically crying constantly today.

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