The Devil Wears Girl Jeans (Chapter 67)

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"Wow, someone sure dressed up for this occasion." a doctor joked as he walked past, motioning to the black dress I was wearing for Sammy's funeral. I stared at him in disbelief as he sauntered past me into one of the rooms, and Quinn put a hand on my shoulder.

“Let it go, Hartley. You have bigger problems right now.”

He was right. I'd just left Sammy's funeral, and now I was waiting to see whether or not Dallas was going to survive. I'd learned first hand that the world isn't always a fairytale. People don't always pull through in the end, and things go wrong. Humans aren't entitled to a happy ending. I just hoped that maybe for once, something would go right, and Dallas would get his happy ending, because as selfish as it was, I needed him.

“You don't understand, he's my boyfriend.” Lacey snarled to the nurse, but the nurse simply shrugged.

“Ma'am, the doctors are trying to save his life. No visitors. Go sit down.” she ordered flatly, pushing past a fuming Lacey. Lacey let out an outraged cry before throwing herself onto the floor by my feet, and going completely limp. Luckily, the waiting room was mostly empty, except for a family waiting by the secretaries desk, who thankfully didn't even look up at her.

“Lacey, bud. You need to get up, otherwise I'm taking you home.” Quinn said calmly, yanking her up by her arm. She let out a dying wail noise and collapsed into his lap, which was only slightly better than being sprawled out on the floor.

“Excuse me, have any of you seen any nurses? I've been waiting at the front desk for 20 minutes and no ones showed up yet. I need to visit my son.” a pretty black haired woman asked us, biting her thumbnail in worry. She was flanked by her two sons, I assumed, one of which was probably well over 6 feet tall and as skinny as a rake, with messy black hair, Ray Bans, and an unlit cigarette dangling from his lips. His hands were shoved into the pockets of his ripped jean jacket, as he glowered at the floor, his lips pressed into a thin line. Her other son, though, nearly caused my heart to stop when I saw him.

“Don't bother, they aren't any help. They won't even let me visit my boyfriend.” Lacey muttered, and I nudged her with my foot to get her attention.

“Ow, what?” she grunted, turning around. Her eyes nearly bulged out of her skull when she saw him, and her mouth formed a tiny “O” shape. The woman's other son, was Dallas.

“What the hell?” Lacey asked, standing up to get a better look at him. Dallas slowly backed away from her, but she grabbed his face and inspected it. There was no doubt that it was him, but the one major question here, was how? Dallas was supposed to be in the ICU. Dallas was supposed to be fighting for his life. Dallas was not supposed to be standing in the hospital lobby wearing a Mickey Mouse sweatshirt.

“I cant believe its you.” Lacey breathed, tears streaming down her face. Dallas shot me a panicked look, and Quinn immediately jumped up to get her away from him.

“What the hell is going on?” the woman demanded, stepping in front of Dallas.

“I could ask him the same thing. How are you here?” Lacey asked Dallas over the woman's shoulder, and Quinn moved to pull her back before she started getting violent. Lacey was convinced it was just Dallas playing a trick on her. That's just human nature though, isn't it? We never want to believe that bad things happen.

“What are you talking about? I don't even know you!” Dallas wailed, pulling his sleeves over his hands, something he always did when he was nervous.

“SHUT UP, SHUT UP, SHUT UP.” Lacey shouted, lunging towards him, but the tall skeleton looking guy was in front of her in a flash, catching her fist in his hand.

“Stop,” he said in a low voice, and Lacey immediately froze.

“Can we please just sit down for a sec and try and figure out whats going on?” the lady asked, thoroughly freaked out. Quinn and I nodded and dragged Lacey into an empty chair, where she immediately collapsed and burst into tears. For the first time in weeks, I was actually managing to hold it together. I guess I'd run out of tears.

“I'm so sorry, ma'am, its just that your son looks identical to our friend who just got in a car crash. She's having a hard time accepting the fact that it really happened, I guess. Seeing your son gave her hope.” I explained, and the woman nodded gravely.

“My son is in here for a car accident too, I know how she must be feeling. What's your friends name?”

“Dallas Webb,” I murmured, taking a swig of cold coffee that Tristan had brought me hours ago. Not-Dallas stood up quietly and walked over the the coffee machine, pouring a new cup and then setting it down on the table in front of me. I blinked at him, and he smiled, looking so much like Dallas that it physically pained me.

“Thank you,” I croaked, but he just nodded and turned away, focusing all his attention on the view out the window with a thoughtful look on his face.

“My son Adrian, was admitted here earlier this morning. I got here as fast as I could, but I'm still not allowed to see him. I'm his mother, for crying out loud. I deserve to see my son.”

“Wait, Adrian?” I asked, trying to figure out why that name sounded so familiar.

Then it hit me. A few months ago, when we tracked Dallas down to his aunts house. After he'd found out he was adopted. He'd shown me his birth certificate, his real one, along with his adoption papers.

Adrian Black was Dallas's birth name. This was his mom, and these were his brothers.

“You're Dal's mom,” I breathed, and she blinked at me, her eyes widening.

“He figured it out, didn't he? Adrian figured it out,” she said quietly, dropping her face into her hands. “He'll never forgive me for giving him up. He wasn't supposed to find out this way.”

“Dallas is the most caring, and forgiving person I know. I promise you, he-” I started, but a doctor cleared his throat, cutting me off. All of us froze and looked up, not even daring to breathe as the doctor flipped through the papers on his clipboard. He stared at them for a long time, before finally looking up with a horribly sad look on his face.

“We did what we could, but Adrian is comatose. I am so sorry.”


wow I'm literally going to cry, there's only one more chapter left holy moly I cant even believe this wow wow wowowowowowowo

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