"Thank You"

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I woke up to a brilliant 7am sun and the sound of the ocean in the distance. Powerful waves hitting the shore. The morning breeze blew into the room we were in. I turned around and looked at Nik.

"What's up." He murmured.

His body was warm, and he reached over to pull me back to him. I snuggled into his arms. It felt good.

"Good morning." I smiled at him, smudged mascara and all.

"Ughhh, last night was fun, huh?" He smiled and opened his eyes.

They glowed gently in the morning sunshine.

I smiled in reply.

I was amazed at the beauty of the room, the balcony, the views of the mountains and the ocean, all the way to the horizon. I stepped out to the balcony, marveling at the nature that surrounded the compound.

The house was big, and white, and sat on the top of a small mountain. It was quite a wild ride up the mountain last night, bumpy backroads, driving over huge tree roots that threatened to topple Nik's Ford truck. He told me that during the wet season you needed a 4x4 to get over the rivers that form over these dirt, unmaintained roads.

I couldn't stop looking at the horizon, where the ocean met the sky. It sparkled.

"Sea upon shining sea." I muttered.

Nik walked over and pulled me back to the air mattress we were sharing.

"Nice place for sure. But too bad though. His dad is trying to sell it. He's broke." He replied.

Hmmm. I looked around. Surf boards, wax, leashes, bottles of water.

"Such a bachelor pad." I laughed.

"Oh yea, usually Cheeto sleeps here too. We're lucky he's off on a surf trip with some clients this week."

"Oh really? Wow. You guys share this mattress?"

"Yea, we've been best friends for a while. We don't mind."

"Wouldn't you rather share it with me?" I winked.

"Haha. You, get over here."

He kissed me on my cheek, then my kips, then slowly down my neck, all the while holding me tightly in his big arms.

"Mmmm. I like it when you kiss me." I murmured.

I traced my fingers down his spine, and back up to hold his head as he nuzzled my neck, then licked my collarbone.

"Ah..." I gasped, as he kissed me somewhere, digging my fingers into his shoulder blades.

"Ouch. Girl you got sharp nails. Look at my back. I look like I was attacked by a cat." He laughed.

"Oh no. Oh my god, I'm sorry!" I couldn't not laugh though, as I saw the red scratches down his back. "Sorry not sorry."

"Nah...you're good. I like it." He said, kissing me again, this time more aggressively.

I squirmed in his arms. His touch felt too good. His smile too beautiful, his eyes too soft. He smelled good too, which is saying a lot after how many shots we had, and how many whiskeys we drank.

Nik's kisses enveloped me, and for a moment I thought. I made this happen. I had to ask my friends to drop me off at Kika, and I had to run off with him and all his guy friends by myself. But I made this happen. He did too. And how wonderfully the minor efforts have paid off.

Then I stopped thinking, as he grabbed me and tugged the sheet away. "You look good girl."

"You too." I giggled.

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