What Makes You Happy

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At 4pm, Nik texted.

Hey yo, I'm sorry I'm running late. Wanna do dinner instead of sunset?

I rolled my eyes. Can this man stick to any plans? But sure, dinner sounded good.

Sure. What time? I'm at Somos.

Let's do 6!

Two hours later, at 5:50pm:

Yo, I'll be there at 7pm.

"Iza, dump his sorry ass. He's always late or cancelling." A girl at my hostel said to me.

"Ugh, I probably should."

"Yea wtf. So many cute guys here. Just find another one."

"Haha yea."

"You're still going to dinner aren't you?" My other friend joined us. By now, half the hostel knew I was waiting for Nik. His friends who ran the place were giggling by the reception desk, glancing over every now and then.

Maybe journaling will make me feel better, I thought. I took out my journal, and lit a candle. I sat in the common area of the hostel but faced the inside so I didn't look up every two minutes to see if Nik had gotten here.

My friend joined me at the table, playing with her phone.

"Omg, is that him?" She looked up at the entrance of the hotel. She had met Nik at the bar the past Thursday.

"What?" It was 7:10pm.

I look up, and sure enough, it was Nik. He was saying hi to people at the reception desk.

I must not walk over. I told myself.

"Oh yea, he's gotta come to you." My friend read my mind.

I laughed.

Nik somehow managed to say hi to about six people while making his way over from the reception area. Everyone knew he was here to pick me up. I liked that though.

"Hey chica, ready to go?"


"You look amazing. I love what you're wearing." He looked me up and down. I was wearing a bright yellow crop top and lululemon yoga pants.

"Haha, thanks. I'm ready to dance tonight, thus the sneakers."

"Ugh, I wish I packed some nice clothes."

"We're in Santa Teresa, darling. T-shirts and shorts are the way to go for guys." I replied.

Nik was wearing his signature baggy t-shirts and khakis. He looked good in the shirts. He had wide shoulders, and the shoulders of these t-shirts always fit perfectly even when they were billowing around his waist.

"Where do you want to go?" He asked.

"Let's go to Cheeto's brother's place? I love the food." I suggested a very casual, diner-ish place. Let's keep it casual, I thought.

"I like that place, but it's not exactly romantic."

"Oh, you want to take me somewhere romantic? Haha, we don't need to do that."

"What? Am I not good enough to take you on a romantic date?"

"What?" I looked over at him driving. He wasn't kidding.

"No no, I just thought we could go somewhere casual. " I said hurriedly. But yea, you're the local. I eat everything, so I'll just defer to you."

"Hmmm. How about this place in Mal Pais? It's on the beach, it's nice."

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