Am I going to see you again?

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It was Friday, and the whole town seemed dazed and confused from the big party night before. Being the surf town that it is, there were no parties in the evening. Everyone was just recovering from their hangovers from the night before. Brunch places were abuzz with gossip. "Did you see the guy in front of the stage yesterday? Definitely on drugs. SO CRAZY." "I heard Tim went home with Gina. Unlikely match." "Meh, vacation romance." "You lost your card? I'm so sorry." "Dude I swear I saw Jake and Mike make out. I swear."

Small town vibes. Everyone knew everyone, almost a little too much so. I ran into so many people I knew the night before, after only being in Santa Teresa less than a week. And Nik, ever the social butterfly, had to make sure to say hi to everyone he knew and introduce me. And boy did he know a lot of people. That's what happens when you grow up in Costa Rica he laughed, when I remarked on his large circle of acquaintances. I loved it. Like Daisy's quote in Gastby, big parties are the most intimate.

I had a quick bite, and went to the beach. The waves were firing. So I thought, why nottake my anticipation and nervous energy out on the waves. I had another lesson with Esteban that day, and it was fun and challenging. We paddled out to the lineup, and I sighed in content. The beautiful ocean, beautiful people, perfect waves, perfect light. The water was azure, the palm trees a saturated shade of green. The sky was a perfect smear of blue, and a few large, poofy clouds adorned the distance. My instructor was truly a gem. He noticed whatever insecurity I had about surfing, pointed them out, and fixed them. Practice, practice, practice. I stayed in the water for hours after my lesson that day, trying to work on my paddling strength and getting comfortable crossing bigger waves.

Exhausted, I stumbled back to the hostel. Dave was chilling on his couch again.

"You have a leash tan. Congrats, Iz!"

"A what?"

"Leash tan. It's a badge of honor for surfers."

I looked down to where he pointed at my ankle. Sure enough, the patch where my surf leash covered my skin was three shades lighter than the rest of my leg.

"Nice!" I laughed. "Gotta take a pic of this to commemorate."

I checked my phone. Nothing from Nik. Well, some people have the 3 day rule right? Don't text the 3 days after you first meet? I could wait at least a day right?

24 hours flew by and I finally texted Nik.

Lemme know your recommendations for hotels!

I didn't even have his number, so I messaged him on Instagram. We had talked about where I was going to stay for the Christmas/New Years period.

Two hours later...

Hey! Will do. Did you look into any hotels? It gets crazy over here for the holidays. I have 5 friends visiting. The whole street will be full of partiers.

Wow. No, I haven't found any vacancies yet. I'll figure it out, worst case go back to Tamarindo.

I was hanging out with some German girls at an infinity pool in a hotel called Vista de Olas on the far east side of the town, and sent him a picture of the sunset from there.

Never leaving this place. I realized I doubled-texted him, but whatever.

Vista de Olas? That's paradise for sure.

More surf lessons today? I replied a bit later.

Nope I'm done for the day! Just being lazy chilling on the couch. Going to work out for sunset. What are you up to?

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