[2] The Beginning.

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Anthony's P.O.V

Moving out of town has to be the worst that can happen especially in the middle of a school year. Making friends will be impossible and not only will I be the outcast but this means that I have to start all over again with my social life but no one seems to understand that. I hope there is some hot chicks waiting for me.

And there I was thinking about my ideal girl. And no I'm not some player that will  gain a reputation.

But I guess that's a good thing cause I don't want anybody finding out that I was at one point suspended at school cause of a sexual violation. Now I'm on my way to school with my mom, hoping to get a text from my friends saying they have moved to this side of town maybe then I will actually be happy about moving.
My mom woke me up extremely early today to ensure that she isn't late for her new job as the Head Surgeon at Beverly Hills Private Hospital, yes my mother is a big shot surgeon and my dad is a Notarian and a Conveyancer. How wonderful the pressure is to be someone I'm not.

"Honey? Are you okay?"

"Yes mom I'm completely fine, just lost in my thoughts okay"

"Keep you head held up High."

"And remember to stay....."

"away from anything that night ruin the reputation of the Sanders. I know, you have only told me like a gazillion times" Wait is that even a number? My thoughts were interupted when my mom cleared her throat to let me know we are here.

I got of the car and took a deep breath and said my goodbyes.
It's now or never kiddo. Let's do this. But before we do this lets see where my first class is.

I'm looking for the class numbers on the door panels and I can't seem to find the correct class.
After going back and forth in my head on whether to ask someone for help although my pride won't let me Or just keep walking around like some new idiot. What do I do? WWAD? WWAD? But the Christian in my head and heart was telling me to do the right thing and my pride, well it wouldn't let me talk to anyone unless they noticed that I'm new.
Aha. Maybe I should do something
Without realizing it I bumped into this average height 16year old looking boy who has lean body or rather fit.

"I haven't seen you around. Are you new around here" he said surely breaking me out of my inner subconscious argument.

".....Yes actually, I need your help finding the science class for 10th Grade"
Wait did I just ask for help. From a stranger. I might just be up for this socializing thing."

"You're the new kid thats joining us from Cunningham High. Well we just happen to be in the same class and have the same first period so follow me young lad."

The rest of day wasn't so with only one or two classes where I wasn't with Jordan which kind of sucked cause he is great company. Besides that I made friends with some of his friends. But I am yet to figure out why he is so respected by the learners and teachers.
He seems like a straight A student so that might explain it but there is so much more to him than you will ever think.


I was at home and after taking well deserved shower, I did some homework and began doing some Math assignment.
I picked my phone to check if there had been any text from Jordan and there wasn't which was real disappointing but why did I care about him so much. It's wrong right. It's has to be wrong. I didn't know if I should text him first or should he text me first or maybe I should just leave it.

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