Adaline, You Angle

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"Domino..." A heavier tone seeped through her deep slumber pulling her towards reality. For second when she opened her eyes the vision she saw was Marco leaning over her his face a lazy smile. She smiled back at him and turned to her side trying to reach for him before he faded away and the picture of her navigator stood instead.

"Yeah?" She asked with a grumpy tone, she hated being woke up and hated the fact that she woke up alone. But she couldn't feel bad now. 

"Sorry, to wake you, just Adaline didn't come back last night." He asked nervously. His sharp green eyes moving back and forth as he leaned over Domino.

Domino gave a light nod and rolled over facing the plan wall. "That's okay, "She hummed as she snuggled her head back to sleep. Or least she tried to, in reality she was trying t hide her face as it twisted with the hurt and realization that he had left.

Gator who watched the tall figure cuddle herself deeper in the blankets gave an uneasy smile. "Domino, we found dead bodies in the alley ways. It seemed to be some businessmen. That and Adaline being gone doesn't sit well with me." He asked her moving to wake her up again when Domino took in a deep breath and turned around.

"You found businessmen?" She asked yawning widely and stretching out her arms letting the twisted nightgown she wore stretch with her. There was no sense in dwelling on the cold truth that Marco left.

Gator looked at her unfazed by her charming good looks and nodded "Yes. Sir." He whispered. Domino moved to sit up and rubbed her eyes. "Adaline didn't kill them." She stated smacking her mouth and scratching the spot Marco had just healed the night before.

Gator looked at her his pointed chin slicing the air as he did so. "How do you know?" He asked her "We can't be sure but the marks look like tiny slashes like with claws or Katanas." He explained.

Domino nodded her head and gave a small smile "That's not her MO, she's more of a sniper then anything it would be silly for her to have katanas? Where would she even carry it she's so tiny." Domino asked moving to get out of bed. Gator watched wide eyes thinking to himself.

"Are you sure?" He asked her as she placed her hand on her bare knees and pushed herself up. For a second before her night gown feel to her knee's he caught glimpses of bruises of what looked like finger prints that trailed her thighs. "Business men you say?" She asked as she was clearly lost in thought.

Gator watched her and then nodded leaning in "Yes-sir, business men we haven't asked the locals yet, it was a patrol that found them." He stated with unease. When it came to navigating the open seas he was the pro and cool and calm but standing before his captain he was a nervous wreck.

Domino nodded as he spoke thinking to herself. Those must have been the eyes she felt when she walked around the towns. "They must have been the ones pulling the chains." She stated matter of fact and moved to look down at the stack of clothes that she had laid out the night before. Before she took in a deep breath and twisted her wrist.

"What I don't understand, do you mean to say that these men may have been the former captains accomplices?" He asked before Domino sent him a reassuring smile "That's exactly what I'm saying. But Tell me about Ada she didn't come back last night you say?" She asked pushing her nightgown up to pull her shorts on wiggling as she did so. Still she looked up at him as he stared at her with no arousal.

"No sir, I'm worried, she normally always comes home." He stated before catching himself as Domino froze with a smile on her face. "This isn't our home Gator; this is just temporary if we're lucky." She mumbled to herself. He nodded "I know sir it was a slip of the tongue." He convinced himself.

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