Operation R.A.D

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The 'Named officers' of Domino's crew sat huddled together in a candle lit room each with a different face of concern and comment.

Gator, who's sharp features had gone unnoticed in the flickering light nodded to himself. His green ascot bouncing with him as he un hooked his metal leg and placed it against the table. "Alright, everyone here?" He asked looking around the flickering crew.

Avery who scratched his one good eye flicked his eye patch then nodded as well moving to send a look to the newest officer Jean. He wasn't new, having been on the ship since Kato was considered M.I.A. But he was surely still trying to get used to Domino's antics.

"Yeah, looks like it." Avery mumbled matter of fact. His muscular arms flexing as he crossed them and sent a nod towards Gator who leaned over the table with his upper half. Growing relaxed at his seniority. He was here before even Kato.

"Alright, then I hereby call the third order of the S.O.C." He stated very seriously as Jean raised his hand. His body also relaxed but not nearly as much as the other two. "Forgive me, but S.O.C?" He asked as Gator rolled his eyes.

" Secret Officers Club, Domino came up with it back when she was a Warrant Officer as a way for us to discuss the manor of the ship, without Kato knowing what we where talking about." He crossed his arms, "And as the head navigator I Shall navigate today's meeting." He smiled as Avery rolled his eye, "Hurry up, I have rounds soon."

Jean frowned but nodded as well.

Gator continued leaning in and almost whispering. "We all, know that these last few days since Morgen's mission, have been tough on the crew." He stated. The watchful eyes nodded.

"Say that again, Do you know how many men have written to HQ begging for a new rotation? Because Adaline's comments, and the constant bickering?" Jean asked concerned shaking his head and putting his hand through his hair looking at the table. Visibly stressed.

"I'm writing letters in my sleep!" He exclaimed.

Avery scoffed, "You think that's bad? As it is I'm running out of bandages from her and Domino's fights. I was never scared of Adaline till I saw her cut up Domino like she did." He shook his head.

Jean pointed "Oh! Don't forget, Adaline's all night poker games that clean us out." The group sighed and looked down in memory of their lost cash.

Avery shook his head. "I wish the Rear Admiral would sit down long enough to play poker. She's been straining herself for these past few months without Adaline, That i'm afraid her wounds haven't healed properly. I'm even more concerned that having Adaline back has made the situation worse. As it is, Domino has gotten no sleep, and that is ontop of her poor habits already." He rambled shaking his head.

Gator nodded and slammed his fist down on the table. "Exactly! something is very wrong, and if we want the 'Rose Marie' to sail smoothly we need to fix the problem." He stated with a light jab of his hand as Avery rolled his one eye and placed his hand on his face sending an annoyed look.

"How can we fix a problem if we don't know what it is?" He asked "I've gone over plenty of medical journals and there is no known dieses that causes their symptoms." He added.

Gator scoffed, "Not everything is a disease. I think it's something else. Like something deep down." He then shook his head. "Did anyone else get a chance to look at the official reports?" He asked as the other two closed their eyes in an answer 'no'. Gator sat down defeated.

"Then I have no idea." He huffed as Jean looked down and played with his thumbs. "You know they're women." He whispered looking sheepishly between the other two who raised their eyebrows.

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