I need you

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"Thanks for watching Sofia," Elyza said as I got my jacket,

"Don't have to thank me, I love watching her and I think Calum is replacing me," I said looking over at Cal who was sat on the floor with Sofia-Rose , "He's gonna be a really good dad, you'll be a really good mum aswell," She said, I smiled 

"Thanks," I said, I got a text from Ashton:

Something happened to Luke and Mikey , will explain when you get here,x 

I felt tears in my eyes "Cal we have to go now" I said, 

"Aww, why?" He asked 

"Come here and I will tell you," I said, he sighed and stood up 

"Bye munchkin, see you soon," Cal said before walking over "Scar, what's wrong?" He asked, 

"Luke and Mikey are in hospital, Ash said he will explain when we het there, but we have to go now," I said, he nodded "El, I will let you know when I find anything out," I said before leaving, we got in the car and I texted Ashton:

We are on our way now x 

We got to the hospital and saw Ash pacing back and forth "Ash what the hell happened?" I asked, he turned to face me and looked like he had been crying, "I was walking up your drive way and I heard a really loud bang so I ran in and saw the window was smashed and blood all over the floor and some twat had shot M-Mikey," He stuttered at the end "The bullet went in and out of Mikey and went into Luke," He said, I felt tears in my eyes "Are they okay?"  I asked, 

"Luke is okay but in a lot of pain and Mikey is in ICU, he will be fine but he is in a coma." He said, I turned to face Cal and he pulled me close to him, I hid my face in his chest and felt tears down my face "Shh, they'll be okay,shall we go see Luke?" Cal said, I nodded and we walked to where Luke's room was, we walked in and saw Luke lying in a hospital bed , "Hey," He said smiling, we smiled back , "How's Mikey?" He asked, I looked at the floor and Cal wrapped an arm around me 

"He's in the ICU, in a coma" Ash said, 

"Oh my God is he okay?" Luke asked, Cal nodded 

"He will be fine, when he wakes up," Cal said, , 

"If he wakes up," I mumbled, Cal took my hand, 

"Luke, we will see you in a bit, me and Scar are going to see Mikey," Cal said, he dragged me out of Luke's room and we walked to the ICU, we found where Mikey was and walked into his room, I sat next to Mikey and Cal sat on the chair next to me, "He looks awful," I said, 

"I can just hear him saying  something stupid as a comeback to that comment," Cal said, I smiled and looked at Mikey, "God I hope he wakes up," I said, I felt Cal's arms wrap around me , from behind and his chin on my shoulder "This is your brother we're on about, he's punk rock , he does what he wants and if he wants to stay and be there for you, which I know he does, he will wake up," I smiled and laughed , remembering when Michael always told us he was punk rock and he can do what he wants "You sure he will wake up?" I asked, Cal kissed my cheek, 

"Have I ever lied to you before?" He asked, I nodded, 

"Yes, remember when you told me you liked El, so you could see how I would react because you wanted to see if I would tell you how I feel about you because you were to scared to ask me out incase I didn't like you back," I said, he shrugged

"It worked didn't it?" He asked, I rolled my eyes and kissed him. 

"Come on, let's go say bye to Luke and then I'll take you home," He said, I stood up and kissed the top of Michael's head "You better wake up soon, I need you," I whispered before walking out with Cal. We got to Luke's room "Luke, we're going, we'll come see you tomorrow, bye Ash," I said before we both left,. Me and Cal got in the car and I called Elyza:

ELYZA- Please tell me they're okay,

SCARLETT- Luke is okay but in a lot of pain and staying in the hospital and Mikey is in a coma in ICU

ELYZA- OMG what happened?

SCARLETT- Mikey was shot and the bullet went through him and into Luke,

ELYZA- We will come and see them tomorrow, Mikey will wake up right?

SCARLETT- He should,

ELYZA- If you need anything let me know, I'm just relieved Luke's alright,

SCARLETT-  I have to go El, bye

*hangs up *

Incase it wasn't obvious Elyza is litterally in love with Luke, it started off as a crush but now she loves him, it's obvious by the way her face lights up when she sees him and he feels the same, he told me but everytime I tell her she doesn't listen and I know Luke would be an amazing 'dad' to Sofia-Rose, he is already an amazing uncle to her and Elyza is an amazing 'mum' to Sofia-Rose. We got home and walked up to my room, "Thanks," I said to Cal as his arms snaked around my waist and my arms wrapped around his neck "What for?" He asked , I shrugged, 

"For not leaving me when you found out about the baby, helping me out with Sofia, cheering me up about Mikey, just being you," I said as I hid my face in his neck, 

"Just doing my job, I will never leave you,"He said, 

"Promise?" I mumbled against his neck, 

"Promise" he said, I got changed and sat on my bed, Cal walked in shirtless, wearing sweat pants, he had most of his clothes here because he pretty much lived at mine and Mikey's house, he sat with me and we started watching Sinister , yes a horror, no I don't like them, I fucking hate horrors but Cal chose. "Calum Thomas Hood, I fucking hate you!" I squealed as I hid my face in his neck, he chuckled, 

"It's not that bad Scar," He said, I looked up at him, raising an eyebrow, "Fine, I'm a shit boyfriend but I love you and I will watch whatever you want after this, promise," He said, I smiled and pecked his lips "Love you,"He said, 

"Love you too," I said.

Michael's Little Sister [5SOS] completedDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora