Movie Night

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We walked into the house and saw Mikey sat on the sofa, "Yeah there in a bit... love you too...bye" I heard Michael said on the phone before hanging up, "Hey, did you have a good time?" Michael asked, we nodded "Yeah, where you going?" I asked, 

"I'm go- what the hell is that?" He asked, anger in his voice, 

"It's a promise ring," I said, he nodded 

"Thank God, anyway, I'm going to Talya's house," He said, grinning, 

"And Talya is?" I asked, 

"My girlfriend, we've been dating for a month and a half" He said

"How did I not know?" I asked, a bit shocked that he managed to keep this from us

"Because I didn't tll you, I will explain later, I have to go, see ya tomorrow," He said, before running out of the house, "C'mon," Cal said , 

"Where we going?" I asked, 

"Movie night in bed," He said dragging me upstairs, I rolled my eyes and sat on the bed, he sat next to me and put his arms around me. 

a/n; this is just a filler! I'm sorry it's so short but I couldn't think of anything

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