I love you

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I woke up the next morning, alone, I went downstairs and walked into the front room, I saw Cal sitting on the sofa, "What's up?" I asked him, he shook his head, 

"Nothing, why?" He asked, I shook my head 

"Well, it doesn't seem like nothing's wrong," I said to him, he stood up and pulled me in for a kiss, I kissed back as his arms snaked around my waist, I placed my hands on the back of his neck and after a while we pulled away "I'm fine, go get ready and we can go and see Mikey and Luke," He said, I nodded and ran upstairs, I changed into a baggy jumper and leggings, I can't wear skinnies until I get new ones because my I'm already getting a fricking baby bump, it's small but noticable, I went downstairs and put on my converse, "The whole time I've known you I've never seen you go out in public without skinnies or shorts, unless your wearing a dress," Cal said, I rolled my eyes and smiled 

"One of the good things about being pregnant," I said sarcastically, he smiled and we walked to the car, "Can we go pick up  El and Sofia? El wants to see them, especially Luke," I said rolling my eyes , he nodded and started the car, we got to Elyza's house and Sofia ran straight to Calum, I hugged Elyza and we got in the car as Cal was spinning Sofia around, I laughed and took a photo of him catching her as he threw her into the air and caught her, I posted it on instagram with the caption:

I have officially been replaced xxxxxxx

Cal put Sofia in her seat and started to drive. We got to the hospital and went to Luke's room, "Hey," I said, he smiled but before he could reply Sofia ran over to him, "LUKEY!" She shouted as he lifted her so she was sitting next to him on the hospital bed, he was sat up on it, "Hey munchkin, you alright?" He asked, she nodded smiling, "Hey El," He said looking up, she smiled 

"Hey, " She said, looking down at her feet, she always seemed different when she was with Luke, I don't know if she's nervous or shy, I think it's a bit of both but I saw Luke's face when he saw her and Sofia-Rose, it's so sweet, "How you doing?" She asked, he shrugged 

"I'm okay, you?" He asked, she shrugged and nodded as she sat down in the chair next to him, me and Cal stood next to the door, "Luke, we'll come see you later, we're gonna see Mikey," I said, he nodded and we went to ICU to see Mikey.


Cal and Scar left to go and see Michael so me and Sofia stayed with Luke. "Lukey, why are you here, not at home?" Sofia asked, Luke looked at me and then back at her, 

"Because, I got hurt so I have to stay here for a bit," He said, she hugged him, he's so sweet and so good with Sofia, the others treat her like a niece, Cal treats her like a sister but Luke's different, "When are you going home? I need to to take me to the park," She said, he laughed, 

"I'll take you as soon as I get out, it will be soon, promise" He said holding out his pinky finger she locked hers with his and smiled, Ash walked in and Sofia jumped off the edge of the hospital bed and hugged Ashton, "Hey, munchkin you alright?" He asked her, she nodded 

"But Lukey is ill," She said, he laughed 

"I know, but he will be better soon," Ash said, she nodded , Ash looked over at us and looked at Sofia, "Hey Sof, do you want to go and get some ice cream and I'll take you to the park, we can come and see Luke later?" He said, she looked over at me 

"Can I aunty El?" She asked, I nodded and her and Ash left , leaving just me and Luke, he looked over at me, and I looked at him, "Thanks," I said, he frowned

"What for?" He asked, I shrugged 

"Not telling Sofia you got shot and being you," I said, looking down at the ground, his finger lifted my chin so that I was looking him in the eye, "When you say being me?" He questioned, smirking , I rolled my eyes "Being a knob but not when Sofia's here, looking out for her and stuff as if she was your family, not judging me for all of the crap I have done," I said to him, he took hold of my hand and looked me straight in the eye "How could I judge you, we're young we do stupid shit all of the time and we learn from what we have done, and as long as I have known you, I haven't seen you do that much shit," He said, I smiled and he started leaning in, so did I and next thing I know his lips were pressed against mine, we pulled away after a while and we were both smiling "El, I love you, I have done for a while and after being shot and thinking I was gonna die, I realized I had to tell you before it really was too late," He said, I smiled and felt shocked "I love you too," I said , he smiled like an idiot and we kissed again, this time for longer. 

We were talking for a while, Luke not letting go of my hand the entire time and then Ash and Sofia were stood at the door, "Hey, was she alright?" I asked him, he nodded 

"Yeah we had fun didn't we Sof?" He asked, she nodded , "Well, I'm gonna go see michael because I have to go to work soon, see ya,", Ash said as he left , Sofia came over and sat on my knee playing with Luke's hand that was still locked with mine, "Aunty El?" She questioned, 

"Yeah" I replied , she looked at me and tilted her head to the side

"Why you holding hands with Lukey?" She asked, I looked down at her and smiled then I looked at Luke and raised an eyebrow as if to say 'Your turn' she looked at Luke, "Well, erm ,- El," He whined , I rolled my eyes "We're friends," Luke said, she frowned 

"You and Aunty Scar don't hold hands , your friends," She said to me, 

"Me and Luke are... " I said looking at him, 

"Me and aunty El are special friends," Luke said, shrugging, unsure how to explain this to a 3-year-old, I laughed a bit and Luke lifted Sofia so that she was sat next to him on the hospital bed, a doctor came in "Mr Hemmings, you should be happy to know that you can leave tomorrow, whenever you want, we need to keep you in an extra night just incase though," He said before walking out, I stood up, 

"I have to go see Mikey for a bit, I'll be back later, come on Sof," I said , she 

"Aw, I don't wanna leave Lukey," She whined, 

"Sofia, don't do this now, we can see Luke again later, just come and see Mikey," I said, annoyed, I didn't really want Sofia to see Michael 'asleep' but I can't just leave her with Luke, it's not fair on Luke, "Fine," She huffed jumping off Luke's hospital bed "She can sit with me if you don't want her to see Mikey like that," Luke said, 

"You sure?" I ask, he nodded and Sofia sat on the chair next to him 

"Thanks, I'll be back in a bit" I said before leaving,


Me and Cal were sat, hand in hand on the seats next to Mikey, a  nurse came in , "Are you Michael's family?"  She asked, I nodded "Well, we have some good news, Michael is showing signs of waking up, he should be awake in the next few days," She said , and then she left, I smiled and hugged Cal, he hugged me back and kissed the top of my head, "I told you he didn't want to leave you, punk rock" Cal whispered, I smiled and kissed him. Elyza walked in a few minutes later, "Is he okay?" She asked, I nodded "Yeah he is showing signs of waking up," I told her, she smiled 

"WOW! Today has been fucking amazing," She said, I frowned, 

"Like to explain?" I asked, 

"Luke told me he loves me and he is coming home tomorrow," She said, I hugged her and then sat back down next to Cal, "Is Sofia replacing me with Luke?" Cal asked, looking hurt, I rolled my eyes 

"Don't worry Cal, she still loves you," Elyza said, he smiled, "Well I have to go, I don't know how long Luke can last on his own with Sofia," She said as she walked out,

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