Chapter 8

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Delirious preview
After I calmed Cartoonz down I went to my work and it was so boring but I need to keep a eye on my work and on Cartoonz he's been getting nightmares so I got up and went to the phone and call my good friend ohm and he picked up
(O=Ohm / D= Delirious)
O: hey Delly what's up
D: nothing much but up my maid has been getting nightmares and I was hoping you can help him?
O:well sure thing and what are they about?
D: well they're about me and him being all cute until it goes wrong and  he always screams my name not in lust but in horror and fear and I'm worried Ohm
O: hmmm ok I'll be here in a minute or 2 ok
D: ok Ohm but hurry
I hanged up the phone and I see Cartoonz on the stairs and I walked up to him and I send" how you feeling love?" He looks at me but his eyes were grey not red no more and just send "I'm feeling fine master can I work now?" I nod my head no and I send" Cartoonz your not ok your eyes are grey and your limping not walking right so plz go back to bed and I'll get you water or pills ok?" But he nods his head no and send" plz master I want to work I'm ok really I'm just a little tired that all hehe" I still send no to him but he got mad and yelled at me " I JUST WANT TO WORK AND BE YOUR MAID AGAIN WHATS THE BIG DEAL HERE MASTER?!!" I got scared and had tears in my eye under my hockey mask and he stopped yelling and he send" master I'm sorry I yelled plz forgive me" I looked at him and I send" your mad at me are you?" He nods his head no and he send" no I'm not master it's just I never had good sleep ok I'm sorry" i nod my head and just looked down but I feel Cartoonz hand on my chin and he lift it up and took off my mask and kissed me and I kissed him back and he send" I'm sorry ok" I nod and I heard a knock on the door and I send " it's open Ohm!!" He comes in and I sat Cartoonz on the couch and I sat next to him and Ohm shut and locked the door and sat on a chair and send" hi Cartoonz I'm Ohm and Delirious called me because you get bad nightmares?" He nods his head and I send: so what's your plan Ohm?" He looks at me and send" just give him pill every day off he has and night times as well ok?" I nod my head and he gives me 3 bottles of pills and I send" thx Ohm" and he nods and leaves and we went to bed and I may sure Cartoonz took a pill every day off or every night time

T.B. C

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