Thats my idol💕Thats my idol🤡

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(your pov)

i stormed up to my room crying because my crackhead father keep hitting me. ugh i wish that my mom was still here. I wish that she aborted me so i wouldn't have to live with my abuse dad

"GET DOWN HERE SLUT" my crackhead dad said "no you can't control me i'll stay in my room forever" i yelled back "FINE WITH ME" my dad yelled

wait how would i get food. i guess i will just have to starve to death. i started to cry because all i wanted is to be loved. i cried my self to sleep that night.



I woke up to a big bang from downstairs and my dad yelling and then pounding started  at my door i was so scared that i passed out

time skip from 15 minutes

i felt skinny arms around me. i didn't know who's they were but i didn't care

i looked up and saw charli d'emonlo 

"charli"? i asked
"Be quiet hoe" charli said

(i'm making charli kinda a bitch in this sorry)

"let me go" i cried

but then charli put a mask over my face that had toxic in it that made me pass out

time skip to the hype house

i woke up with a bunch of teens starting at me and i didn't like it i have anxiety so people starting at me makes me nervous

"is she good" tony asked "i don't think so" Addison replied

" Am i good? you guys kidnapped me" i said. i looked around and saw the cutest boy ever. i got up and looked up at the taller boy

"umm hi" he said

"what's your name" i said

"Chase Hudson" he said

"I love that name" i said

well maybe i loved more then just his name

Kidnapped by the hype house???? anna oopWhere stories live. Discover now