Ello luv

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i look over at charli and started to cry. i really hope she isn't killing tons of people.

"c-charli"? i said with tears falling down my face. i started to walk over to her and then look down to see a dead body.

" is chase dead" i asked charli

"no but i'm about to set him on fire want to help" charli said.

i really wanted to help her but i couldn't kill chase. after all me and chase have been though i still loved him. he was like my best friend.

" we can't kill chase" i said. charli made a confused face.

" but he killed your baby's cheated on you beat you up"-

"charli i know but i still love him" i said.

i looked down at chase and see him open his eyes. me and charli notice and run. we didn't know where we were going to but we still ran. i followed charli all the way to the airport.

"why are you at the airport" i asked her

" we're gonna leave the country" charli said.

wait what i don't want to leave. i don't get why they kidnapped me and then this telling me to leave the county.

we walked into the airport and the first thing i saw

"CHARLI LOOK ITS 1D" i yelled. witch made all the members look at me.

"wait why are they back together" charli asked

"it's the ten year anniversary" i said.

me and charli walked over to them. and said hi

" ello luv" harry said.

me and charli starting laughing.

"why are you laughing at harry"louis asked.

"no reason" charli said

"can we take a photo with you" i asked

"of course luv" niall said

we all took a photo together. but i noticed zayn wasn't there and i got really sad. i know he left the band but i still though there was a little chance that he would come.

i said thank you to the boys for letting me take a photo with them. i look over and the airport door and my eyes glowed up.

" ZAYNS HERE" i yelled and i started jumping up and down.

" sorry i was late" zayn said

" it's ok" i said.

" these two are so much fun they should go on tour with us" liam said.

me and charli starting to hug each other

but then anthony reeves walks in and starts yelling at one direction for having more clout then him.

but all of a sudden the one direction boys jumped anthony and started to beat him up.

me charli ran away because we didn't want anyone to think we started this.

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