No im radio rebel👁👄👁

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I looked up at charli thing she was gonna beat me up. but instead she hugged me. oh charli hugging me. this feels nice. wait why.

do i like charli. no i can't like her. i'm not gay. hahahahaha.....

"lets get you home" charli said. wait home i haven't been their in forever. i'm surprised no one called the cops. but my crackhead dad never cared about me.

"home"? i asked her because i don't think i have one anymore.

"my house silly" charli said. she holds my hand and leads me to her house. i loved the feeling of her hand in my hand.

Wait that's gay... it's okay we're wearing socks. we got to her house. and went up to her room.

"i don't have a another bed so we have to share it" charli says. wait that's cool. haha but totally not gay for charli.

we slept the whole night. it was 8:00am and me and charli were planning to go out. we were going to the mall!!! yay!

At the mall we ran into Debby ryan!!! the queen herself.

Me and charli ran up to her. She was favorite actor. tehe. debby walked up to charli and started flirting with her.

Ugh how could she try to  date this under age girl. wait maybe i do like charli and if i can't have her nobody can.

i ran up to debby  through her out of the mall and yelled


charli looked at be in shock but then she hugged me.

"thank you for doing that she was scary" charli said.

hmm maybe i do like charli

i eat cereal everyday 💙💙💅🏽💅🏽💜💜🧚‍♀️🧚‍♀️🧚‍♀️🧚‍♀️🧚‍♀️replace cereal with the arms and legs of missing children💜💜🧚‍♀️🦋🦋

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