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I move around my kitchen gathering my pizza and cheesy bread on a plate so I can eat it while reading more about supernatural beings, don't say anything because- it was a normal thing for me to do since I was a loner.

Having no parents and living by myself was kinda hard to do but I still got through it.

When I was born, I didn't have a name or family so I was just known as Baby. They waited a couple weeks before putting me in foster care and I have been raising myself ever since.

When I was ten, I gave myself the name Amatheia and has had it for six years now. Ever since I was a little girl I was intrigued by things that have a possible existence. Vampires, fairies, wolves, demons, etc. In the foster home I would always be on a computer watching a supernatural show or reading a fantasy book in a corner or during dinner.

Out of every supernatural being, mermaids were my number one. Being one was my dream so for halloween I always dressed up and watched "The Little Mermaid".

At the foster home I stayed in, we were given chores and got paid for them. When I turned fifteen I started doing side jobs like babysitting and a bunch of other things for rich people and it got me my own apartment. It's not in my name per say, but the landlord was understanding and lets me stay here still with his name still the only one on the lease.

My tiny feet pad hard and quick against the floor as I hurry to the couch. My show was paused for who knows how long, so I had to hurry back to it. I unpaused the mermaid show and frowned, bummed seeing they were gonna take it away in a week. Ever since then, i've been binging it and i'm on the last season.


"What?! Noooo!" I yell with my mouth full as the main protagonist kisses the enemy of her lover. I mean seriously, I know you think he's dead but it's been only a week! The credits pop up when he throws her on the bed and it makes me shake my head.

My hand blindly reaches for the remote and I turn on something else not able to see her lovers reaction next episode when he arrives to the house to see what happened while he was 'gone'. If she would've just waited one more day, she would've heard a knock at her door and his beautiful self smiling at her. Everytime I re-watched it, I could never watch that episode ever since I did when it was on the air and boy was I pissed.

Part of me thinks that may be why the show ended because they pissed people off too much. On the other hand,even when no one liked a show, I still gave it a chance and was drawn to matter how predictable it was.

I found "The Vampire Diaries" and decided to re watch it but I would definitely skip season four and maybe five too.

The fact that they made Damon not notice his own brother gone and not saying a word to anyone made me annoyed. The writers had to make him so obsessed and focused on the fact that he got the girl. Stefan was drowning over and over again, Bonnie died and.... nobody NOTICED!

I always hated Silas and I was lowkey depressed they killed Kol that season. He was just trying to help them and so much could've been avoided if they just didn't let their feelings  and stubbornness get the best of them. I felt bad for the Originals and it made me wish a lot of things.

One, Damon didn't fall under another doppelgänger spell. Two, Stefan didn't choose Elena and if he did he should not give her Rebekah's necklace or keep Katherine's picture out. Three, Klaus does the sacrifice and takes Elena's blood for the road and doesn't take Stefan. That would save a lot of problems.

If I was apart of their story and a main character at that- man I would change so much. All I would need is one chance, and maybe be like a witch or something to help me along the way. I can't be all human, they could lock me up somewhere while the vervain wears off or rip off my jewelry. Knowing myself, i'll probably even forget to take it one day and then that would fuck everything up. Going to sleep, I have that last thought in mind and hear Elena's prologue or whatever happening

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