Part 1/2

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Today was the first day and I had a lot of energy. I was so excited but nervous because shit was about to get real. Stefan was making his appearance today and tomorrow Damon was. I debated if I should approach Stefan or not today while I showered and washed my hair. I couldn't say too much without making him suspicious, and I couldn't be distant while things slowly stay the same. This made me remember that I was here probably for a reason, and that was to change things.

When I changed into my clothes, I wore a jean skirt with a blue crop top and left my hair in my natural waves-my hair was usually like this freshly washed, and I wore white tennis shoes with some earrings and a bracelet.  Breakfast was small today because I was in a rush. I decided on a granola bar and some pineapple juice. Caroline was on time cause as soon as I opened my door she pulled up to my driveway. I jogged down the steps and hopped in before she sped off.

Her hair was styled nice and she had a bang on the side of her face. I wonder why she suddenly stopped wearing that bang, because it disappeared out of nowhere. This was so....surreal. I just woke up in this world after actually falling asleep in my other life and boom. I'm actually in the Vampire Diaries, i'm an actual mermaid, and i'm sitting next to Caroline freaking Forbes!

It took a lot for me to hold in my excitement because I didn't want her to think I was a weirdo.

When we got to school, I hopped out and did a look around. Man this school was bigger than it looked on tv. The whole high school campus was huge and had so much grass that I could do like a hundred ariels. Now, I wasn't an outside person that much but the atmosphere just screamed high school and it made me feel apart of it. I never went to public school or school at all. I mainly read articles, played brain games and apps, and read all the books kids were reading in school.

As we walked the halls, people greeted me and even knew how to pronounce my name. I was standing with Caroline by her locker and she was going on about how she needed her weekly dose of gossip. If only she knew that her weekly gossip was currently in the main office right now. I snort to myself and it causes her to stop talking.

"Your laughing at Clara getting diarrhea?" Oops.

I make a nervous face but then pause. That was pretty funny. Ha, a cheerleader getting diarrhea. I started to think about her on top of the pyramid and shitting herself and all the girls dropping her- oh my gosh that's funny. You may not get my humor but I imagined Caroline glaring at the girl and embarrassing her further with her bluntness by commenting on the smell or something.

Shrugging I pull my bag up to my shoulder more. "What can I say the girl probably deserves it. Plus someone shitting their pants is hilarious" I bump shoulders with her and she lets out a laugh shutting her locker.

Elena and Bonnie come into view and Caroline scampers to them. The blonde hurricane hugs Bonnie and Elena and says the same lines in the show. I sneak off to the office and watch Stefan compel the lady. Walking up to the desk, I ignore his attention now on me and put my arms on the desk.

"Is it cool if I change my schedule really fast?" I didn't have art or music and I cared about those electives. Drawing and playing instruments has been something that occupied my time and kept me from being depressed about my life.

The lady asks for my name and I tell her.

"Amatheia Forrest" I look at my nails and realize that Stefan was now staring really hard at me.

She types my name in the system and starts apologizing profusely. "I'm so sorry Miss Forrest. It seems they gave you health once again this year after you passed it and French" Yeah pass. Health was boring and I wasn't interested in learning a language all that much.

So it goes....Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant