Chapter 5: Distraught

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Stans POV

He just ran away! Fucking hell, I'm worried about him, he's not being... Well himself since Eddie was injured.

"D-duh-d-do y-yuh-ou guy-sh-s kn-oh-w w-w-he-re R-Ruh-Richie could-d-ve gone?" Bill asked over his shoulder as they all made their way up from the quarry to the ledge were they were just a few minutes ago.

"I could ask my dad to take us in his car around town looking for him, he might be somewhere secluded though, after that happened." Mike suggested, Ben frowned.

"What if he went home?" Beverly asked. "If he went home... uh me and Bev could drop by his place then meet down at the Barrens?" Ben added. Bev shot a smile Ben's way. " Sure, I don't mind Ben." Ben, looking like a ripe red tamato awkwardly returned a grin.

I turn to Bill, "Me, you and Mike could go look at the flower fields and around the outskirts of town." Bill turned. "Eh-ed-ds, d-do you wanna cuh-com-e with us?" Eddie looked up. "If it means finding that dickwad of course I will, he just ran off do you really think I wouldn't come? What if someone saw him and I don't know-" "Relax Eddie, I'm sure Richies fine, he can take care of himself." Bev soothed.

"Just saying, in hopefully no offense but Eddie, you just remembered nearly all of us in around an hour, and you're already so defensive of Richie." Mike stated. "Yes but he was the first person to remind me who he is and how I know him!" Eddie snapped. "C-calm d-down!" Bill shouted whirling around towards the infuriated Eddie. "We'll find him, but we stay here any longer arguing we'll never get out there and find him." I added in Bills defense.

"I just- fine, let's get going then." Eddie cooled down.

Time skip

Bill's POV

I glanced over at Stan, Mike and then to Eddie. I frowned when I saw that he was lagging behind. I quickly turned sharply on my bike back to Eddie. He glanced at me before turning away.

"Yuh-y-y-you o-okay Ed-d-d-ie?" I asked, cocking my head awkwardly to look out for Eddie and the others. Eddie shrugged. "I'm just worried about Rich. We have no idea what could've happened to him, I heard that you can get serious illnesses from being in flower fields, apparently the pollen could be infected with dangerous poisons." Eddie shuddered.

"E-d-d-ie, th-hat is-sn-t even t-ruh-rue." I rose an eyebrow. "I mean it sounds ridiculous but still." Eddie stated. I rolled my eyes, flashing a genuine smile Eddie's way before peddling up to Stanley again.

I let out a small sigh staring out on the highway. The sun was setting, pretty soon it would be dark. They had to find Richie soon or they'll have to wait until tomorrow or search in the dark.


Beverly's POV

I glanced over at Ben, we had just arrived at Richies house. Ben shot back a glance. There was a possibility that Richie was here and he could just spam the door in our faces as soon as he even opened it.

"You feeling okay, Beverly?" Ben asked as I stared at the porch. I snapped out of it. "Oh yeah, I'm okay." I shot a smile towards him generally loving his company. We both advanced towards the house. Ben knocked on the door as I stood behind him watching over his shoulder.

The door opened to reveal a formally dressed man with a coffee mug in hand. Ben and I both smiled. "Oh, hello there kiddos. What brings you here?" The Man smiled, this must be Richies father. "We were just looking for Richie." I said. The man frowned. "Richie isn't here?" The man looked from me to Ben. "Oh- us and Richie were just playing hide and seek." Ben lied with a sweet smile on his face.

"Oh, I thought he was in his room-" Beverly quickly interrupted, "Oh right yeah! Sorry to bother you Mr. We must've gotten confused about who we were still playing hide and seek with!"

"Oh, well okay then."  Wentworth smiled. "I have to go, you find your friends, it'll be best if you start going home by now." Wentworth shut the door softly leaving us standing on the porch.

Ben and I glanced warily at each other before running down the porch and quickly hopping onto their bikes to go try and find the others.


Eddie's POV

I glanced around the car that we were currently seated in. We had left our bikes at Mike's farm asking his grandpa to help us go look for Richie.

We're had just reached the outskirts of town when Stan abruptly yelled, " There, I see him!" I cocked my head over to the fields on our left. "Richie!" Bill called. I saw a shiloute of a crouched figure and instantly opened the car door running over to the crying boy.

Mike, Bill and Stan followed reaching me just as I reached Richie. He was shaking. His clothes were blood stained and his cheeks shared the remains of tears. I instantly brought the shaking boy into a hug.

"E-eddie...?" Richie choked out. I looked into Richies eyes, they searched desperately for something, I felt like I'd never know what he was looking for. I let out a sigh. "You're okay now Richie, we're here now..." Stan crouched down next to him glancing at me before muttering comforting words into his ear.

I stood back feeling like there was nothing I could do. Seeing Richie like this made my heart ache. Mike joined Stan helping comfort Richie, though he seemed to be paying no attention to the two and just staring at me. I frowned, then he looked away. Bill came up to me placing a hand on my shoulder.

"H-huh-h-ow-w a-b-bout we t-tuh-take R-Ruh-Richie back to m-uh-y p-puh-place?" Bill asked standing next to me and watching the others. Richie fiddled around with his glasses, solemnly nodding, accepting the offer. I smiled, "Thanks, Big Bill." Bill looked down giving me a smile before going back to the car to ask for Mikes grandpa to take me, him, Stan and Richie back to his place, Mike would most likely go home about now, it was at least eight o'clock.

Time skipppp

Richie was leaning his head in his knees keeping his head from view of anyone's wondering eyes. Mikes grandpa glanced at the rear view mirror, obviously concerned about the black curled head boy who sat huddled up next to me.

Stan, Bill and Mike were discussing how this whole situation would work. "Eddie...?" I looked over at the boy next to me. "Yeah?" I whispered back. "I can't really... think right now... there's so many colours around us, enough to drive us insane...are you dead..? Sometimes I think I'm dead.. 'cause I can feel ghost and gouls wrapping my head... but I don't want to fall asleep yet-" Richie paused, "My eyes went dark... I don't know where... my pupils are, but I'll figure out a way to get us out of here." He stopped his eyes tearing up. "Get a load of this monster... He doesn't know how to communicate... His mind is in a different place... Will everybody please give him a little bit of space...?" Richie paused again, "Get a load of this train wreck... His head is a mess, who doesn't know who he is yet..." Richie trailed off tears falling down his rosy cheeks.

My heart broke in two. I hugged him tightly, whispering softly into his ear, "But little do they know... the stars welcome him with open arms..."


Ah angst. And yes I did make that a heavy Cavetown reference from their song 'This is home'. It seemed very fitting for the scene if I say so.

Anyway hope you all enjoyed this chapter, I took months to work on this, editing and planning out the next 3 chapters. This chapter is giving all of the characters a special bit of time for each of them. I want to give them all a bit of screen time of you'd say it like that.

Bai for now! 💞

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2020 ⏰

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