-joshua ~ too far pt.2-

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WELL , youre correct .

thanks for liking the first one you pretty gals and guys ;) .


i havent talked to joshua the same way from then on . he would still flirt with me , in a joking manner of course , but i wouldnt reciprocate the same energy .

" why do you seem so off ? " joshua asked , " you arent acting the same . "

gee , i wonder why .

" oh sorry , im just lost in thought , " i laughed , but my smile fell too quickly , making him look at me suspiciously .

but joshua being my friend , he decided to believe me because he trusted me , " alright . "

we awkwardly sat next to eachother in silence . neither of us could think of anything else to share .

" do you like anyone ? " joshua asked , glancing in my direction .

i stayed quiet , not knowing how to respond . why cant he just get the hint ?

" well i know you said you liked me or whatever , but that was a joke right ? " he said .

i rolled my eyes and got up without saying anything . i then walked away in annoyance . and i thought i was the naive one .


i woke up the next morning . it was saturday . since i really had no plans , i decided to treat myself / take care of myself .

i washed my face and put my hair up into a ponytail . i put my gym clothes on and went out for a morning jog . 

i got my phone and my water bottle and went outside .

despite the music that was blaring in my ears , i had a sense that someone was following me . i didnt think much of it though , due to the fact that there could also be some joggers out at this time .

but when i turned around , i saw someone that i didnt want to see at the time . joshua .

" y/n ! " joshua caught up to me . i rolled my eyes and quickened my pace , but he still caught up to me .

" why are you mad at me ? " he asked .

" i dont know , why dont you just piece everything together genius ? " i shot back at him .

he stopped , making me stop too . 

" what is up with you ? we were all normal a couple of weeks ago , then suddenly you start treating me as if im someone else , " he sadly looked at me .

" i like you , and im serious this time , " i confessed , " i tried confessing to you , but you took it as a joke , then told me you would never like me . "

" but , we always joke like that . "

" but we dont occasionally say  ' i like you ' to eachother , " i said , " but thats not the point . the point is that i like you . "

he looked at the ground and shifted his feet .

i sighed , " i understand . "

i continued to jog , but he said something , making me freeze in my tracks .

" i didnt mean it , " he admitted , " when i said that i would never like you , i lied . i do like you , but i just thought you were joking , so i decided to go along with it . "

i refused to look at him , feeling embarrassed enough .

" but trust me this time . all this ' silly flirting ' was actually because i fell for you . "

i softly smiled and turned around to hug him .

then after all , i guess we werent joking about flirting .


a/n : dude come here . do you like the imagine or what ? AHAHA , you so funny zude .

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