My guardian angel

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Throughout the weeks Chani living as a happy person ever being with Rowoon who's truly loves him. It doesn't matter where they were, Rowoon always be with the younger. Hold his hands, hugs him, kissing the forehead of Chani and taking so much care towards the younger. Even when they were rested, Rowoon will hugs the little guy and will lean on Chani's shoulder. Chani seems that kind of boyfriend that doesn't even care towards his boyfriend but deep inside he actually really concern whenever it comes about Rowoon. When they get the chance being alone together, Chani will surely showing his concerns towards the older.

Rowoon bravely showing his loves towards Chani even though they were in a public. The older can't help but feeling jealous everytime Inseong being clingy to his boyfriend. He had tried so many times to throw the jealousy away but then It just can't. He even think about that in a positive way, thinking that Inseong just wanna being friendly towards Chani, but Chani just being too sweet with Inseong, so what can he do?

2 Days left

That night, the weather are just too cold for Chani. He's waiting for his lover to come over besides, he couldn't help but feeling more impatience to see those handsome face of Rowoon. Waiting, waiting and waiting. 30 minutes had been passed but he can't see his lover coming into his room.

"He can't be this late. This is not his usual self...Neomu bogoshipeo hyung..."Chani whimpered alone.

Because of the impatience had already take all over him, he rapidly goes to Rowoon's room, the one that he loves so much more than anything. As soon as he entered into the room, he sees his lover was fall asleep while hugging his picture.

"Hm, what a cutie~" Chani concluded after seeing that cute guy, the one that already stole his heart from the start.

Rowoon's charming face that cannot be resist by whoever look at it.

"How lucky am I~" Chani giggling while softly rubbing the older's hair.

He started to pay attention at Rowoon's sexy lips and the older's hands was gripped tightly by Chani. He then moving his face close to Rowoon without blinking his eyes and began to kiss those sexy lips. But then Rowoon kiss chani bacj in no time while hugging that tiny guy tightly which Chani almost couldn't catch his own breath. Warm hugs from this hyubg makes him feel secure and warm. They were hugging each other like there's no tomorrow.

"Chaniya, can you stay away from Inseong hyung? I don't feel good seeing him always being clingy with you." Rowoon begged like with a cutie puppy eyes while softly rubbing Chani's red cheeks.

"Hyung don't tell me you're being jealous right now or are you? But you don't have to be worry this much because it's only you that could own my whole heart besides there's no one could take my heart way except you, my dear boyfie. " Chani whispers through Rowoon's ear.

"Yes I am...jealous! So?" Said Rowoon and Chani literally know that his boyfriend is being done with him but he find it cute eventually.

The whimpering of jealous Rowoon making Chani merely kiss those sexy lips. He knows what that tall guy really want. He need more attention, well as all of the members know that Rowoon is one of the attention seeker. But he loves that lovely side of Rowoon, he really do. Rowoon then immediately pull Chani into his warm body, hug the little guy tightly cause afraid that Chani might catch a cold from the cold weather.

The day after Rowoon go to Australia...

For sure Chani feeling down all the time and not being himself like always. He used to be the happy and playful Chani but not anymore. He felt very lonely even there's a bunch of crazy jokes that Dawon used to make. So there's only Rowoon's cloths that Chani bring with him everywhere he go. He cries a lots right after he hug the cloths. But it's not like Rowoon forgetting about his lover even though his life getting busier day by day. He always tried to find his free time to call or message Chani. Even so that's not enough for needy Chani. He still miss that tall guy, the one who used to love him.

One fine day, Inseong suddenly come to Chani with a heart breaking news and it's about his lover. The news is about Rowoon having a new girlfriend there.

Chani did so many way to not trust with the fact that Rowoon having an affairs with him even though those picture floating anywhere in social media. Because of his curiosity take all over his head so he decide to call Rowoon to know the truth but it's useless since Rowoon not picking up his phone or replied his messages anymore. During SF9 recording for their new music video, Chani's phone ringing for like more than two times and his manager fed up with it, so he told Chani to pick it up. Knowing that it's Rowoon who's calling him, the one and only that he truly miss, he quickly pick the call excitedly.

"Hello, I just want to tell you that Rowoon is mine now. So, don't even dare to take him away from me! We're about to get married so don't bother him again. STAY AWAY FROM HIM! Understand?" Shouted an angry woman from the phone.

His heart even his soul shattered into million pieces right after hearing those hurtful words.  After the incident, Chani tried his best to forget Rowoon and erase all the memories with making himself busier everyday so he don't have time to remember that tall guy again. The chances for Inseong to win Chani's heart had become bigger. Inseong will treat Chani with more affection and becoming the closer person to Chani.

Don't you ever said goodbye _RoChan√❤ [Currently Edited]Where stories live. Discover now