Look at me now©

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Chani finally got his rest day after finishing his short drama. But during his break day, the other members which is including Rowoon are filming something so there's only him in the house. Chani didn't waste any of his time as he begin to clean each of the room because Youngbin had always told them to clean up like all the time.

It took 2 hours for him to finish the clean up and after that, he watch some random movies as he waited for his hyungs to come back home later specially his lover, Rowoon. A drop of water from the sky making him panic because the more it come down, it's getting heavier and making the television connection is out of service.

"Aishh...What else can I do? It's literally raining outside and I can't even watching my drama!This is bad." He complained.

"I should probably get some sleep." He talk to himself.

He goes upstairs but once he got into his room, his jaw dropped because all of his stuff get wet by the heavy rain. Apparently there was a hole in the ceiling of the room.

"Why didn't I notice about this before? All my clothes is now worn out. What should I do then?" Chani shouted as he looking at his wet cloths sadly.

The little guy run he ran upstream to downstream looking for something that could fix the ceiling but unfortunately he failed to find it.  Chani kept running to the bathroom to find the empty bucket, luckily this time he managed to get the bucket.

The empty bucket is placed under the perforated ceiling to prevent rainwater from constantly stagnating in the room.

"Finally it's done now!I have to tell youngbin hyung once he came back home soon.  Wait a minute, why is my shirt wet? Whose shirt do I want to borrow? Huh! My baby bear's cloth. "Chani said and continued to run to Rowoon's room.

After he finished taking a shower, he started looking for Rowoon's shirt that fit his body size. But almost all of Rowoon's shirts did not fit him so, he had to wear Rowoon's long -sleeved white shirt.

Since Rowoon's pants didn't fit him at all, he had to wear only his underwear. Luckily, the shirt was long up to his thighs.

"I feel like sleeping, I'd better sleep in hyung's room!" Chani said and continued to throw his body on Rowoon's mattress.


It was raining non-stop, causing traffic jams. Rowoon leaned his head on the car window while thinking about Chani who was alone at home.

"Why is this? About Chani? No need to worry ... Chani is already big ..." Youngbin rubbed Rowoon's head.

"But, Chani was afraid of being alone before. Ah, what am I ... I'm always worried about Chani. Hyung, what's wrong with Dawon earlier? He seem not so fine..."Rowoon looked at Youngbin.

"I don't know.... But, Dawon's face did look a little pale just now. He probably didn't get enough rest since I was being too firmly towards you all ... Hyung wants to apologize ..." Youngbin replied while scratching his head which was not itchy.

"Eh, no ... Hyung is the best leader I've ever met. Later I'll try to ask Dawon. Hyung, don't blame yourself either." Rowoon said and smiled sweetly.

"Hyung, are you okay? Are you okay? Youngbin said you look pale ..." Rowoon asked while anchoring his back next to Dawon.

"I'm okay ... I just didn't get enough sleep last night. Hey, you know what hyung got Top 2 in that game. It's fun! I can't believe it ..." Dawon replied and put his hand on his chest, a sign of pride in himself.

"Oh, that's the reason? It seems that Youngbin has misunderstood this. Anyway, congrats hyung !! I never won that game. I didn't expect hyung to win ..." Rowoon said and patted Dawon's back.


As soon as they arrived, Rowoon continued to run into the house regardless of the heavy rain. Now only Chani was in his mind, the only one who disturbed his mind. When Rowoon opened the door of Chani's room, he was surprised to see the condition of the room. Chani was scattered and wet, in addition to the heavy rain water soaked the mattress and floor of Chani's room.

Rowoon ran to the room and as soon as he opened the door of the room, he saw someone he had thought of all day, was sleeping soundly on his mattress. Chani's hair which was still wet, was gently rubbed. Chani's fluffy cheeks were kissed gently. Seeing Chani's condition who only wore her long shirt, making her eyes wide open.She had never seen Chani wear her shirt before.Chani did indeed look cute.

"Hm, hyung is back?" Chani said while rubbing his eyes.

"Yes, I'm back Chanhee. I miss you ... Chani isn't afraid to be alone here?" Rowoon looked at Chani's face who had just gotten up from his bed.

"No ... I feel safe and comfortable after wearing this hyung's shirt ... It feels like hyung is always by Chani's side. I love you, Rowoon. Thanks for making me feel safe when you are besides me." Chani answered and gives his boyfie a tighter bear hug.

"Eh, right? Whatever Chani looks sexy just wearing this shirt ... Fuh, hyung's heart is beating ... Why is this?...Are you too sexy?" Rowoon said while showing a rather naughty face.

"What? ... Stop joking around, hyung!" Chani was angry while gently hitting Rowoon's chest.

"Well, it's true...I love the way y-"
Before Rowoon could finish his words, Chani's lips had already touched his.

Chani sat on his lap and hugged Rowoon's neck. He kissed Rowoon gently. Lip to lip, up to tongue to tongue. Rowoon hugged his waist and kissed Chani's neck gently.

"Hyung, do you love me?"
Chani asked Rowoon who was busy kissing his neck.

"Of course. Why ask something you already know the answer to? I'll love you and I'll never let you go, Kang Chanhee!" Rowoon replied and pushed Chani's body on the mattress.

Their eyes were met for a moment, Rowoon unbuttoned his shirt and threw his shirt on the floor. Chani only observed his lover's behavior. Then, Chani's shirt button was opened greedily by Rowoon.

"Hyung, are you not exhausted? You suppose to take some re-"

"You can't stop me, Chani. Stop pretending, you want me to make you feel good, isn't it?! Now just shut your mouth up and just let me take control! Okay?!" Rowoon answered while looking at Chani's body lustfully.

"Hyung, that's enough for today!You should get some rest!" Chani snorted and rejected Rowoon's body that had crushed his body.

"We'll just sleep, okay? I'll sleep with you today." The little sit next to him, ruffles his fluffy hair.

"But I...I can't...I--"

"Just sleep..."

"Chani, hyung ta--"

"Enough, hyung...I said sleep"

"How dare you talk to me like that?!"

"I'm sorry, okay? Now, sleep..." Chani is so done with the taller guy's needy behavior so he decided to just cuddles with the guy.

"Thanks, Chani fo--"

"I love u too, hyung...Close your eyes...Jaljayeo"

Don't you ever said goodbye _RoChan√❤ [Currently Edited]Where stories live. Discover now