chapter 13

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Delilah's pov

It's been two weeks and three days since I got married and two weeks since I started working in huss corp, my assistant who was supposed come back after her sick leave didn't come as she is undergoing some surgery.

I haven't even met her, but I hope she recovers soon and come back to work because I can't tolerate the irritating PA of Ezra's she annoys me to no end, I control my anger not wanting to shout at her but my patience is wearing off.

Other than her I like working in this company, I don't leave my cabin much as I don't eat lunch. Yes I don't like being an MD but working here is better than working in Adler's corp.

Things between me and Ezra are better we have fallen into this routine where we wake up, workout, get ready for the office, I'll make his breakfast while I have a cup of coffee, we get to the office in our respective cars, do our work, I leave the office by 6pm while he leaves by 7pm, I get home cook dinner then we eat quietly and even if we talk it's about work, then retire to our respective rooms.

I was going through the budget file of the new project, when my phone rang Ezra's name flashed, I quickly picked it up and answered the call and said "Hello?".

"Delilah come to my room now" his deep voice could be heard and there was a beep indicating the call ended.

I got up and left my room, and knocked on his and entered when I heard a come in, he looked up from the file he was reading and nodded his head and said "come sit" I went and sat on the chair opposite to him, he closed the file and took out something from his drawer and stretched it to me.

"What is this?" I asked "open it" He said confusion swirling in his eyes. I looked at the red envelope looking like some sort of invitation i opened it..... My chest ached and a lump formed on my throat I want to cry so badly I can't believe this. But I can't and won't cry in front of him and I know he is watching me closely.

It is the invitation to my father's retirement party, I Can't believe it no one in my family bothered to inform me, no one called me in these past two weeks not even a single message from them. Even if I called they will give short answers none of them told me about this, I thought of visiting them this weekend, but looking at this invitation I now know that they are happily planning this grand fancy party that they forgot about me.

"You should have told me about this party before, I would have cleared my schedule" Ezra's voice broke me out of my trance, how am I supposed to tell him if I myself didn't know "sorry uhm I forgot" I lied through my teeth looking at him, my voice was heavy in my ears.

He nodded and said "I can't join you for the whole time. However, I will be joining you in after my meeting is done."

What how can I go if they haven't invited me, but looking at him I knew I have no choice but to go "ok" I nodded my head and asked "is there anything else?"

"No, get back to work you can leave early today as you have the party to attend and you don't need to drive your car to the party, Paul will drop you off" He states I nodded my head and left his room clutching the envelope in my hand tightly.

I sat on the couch in my room, placing my head in my hands, my chest ached my hands became wet then I realized my tears started to stream down my place.

I stood up quickly took some tissues and wiped my face, I don't want to act in some unprofessional way inside the company. But I couldn't help but remember Leila's words she said to me before the wedding day.

Flashback (this scene happened in the 8th chapter if anyone can't remember)

Leila came and sat in the other swing and she was quiet for a while, but I know this is the silence before the storm.

"You know you're so pathetic, don't be too happy that you're getting married everyone is not like Kaden to believe your pathetic act. Ezra would never have agreed to marry you, if his parents didn't force and blackmail him with his CEO post.  And do you think you're parents care about you, they just want to get rid of you. Delilah you're nothing but a waste of space in this house, they don't even want you to work in their company after marriage because they don't want to see you! Even your parents, Nate knows that you are a useless piece of shit! Except for my husband who believe everything that comes out of your mouth, but don't worry I'll take care of him! And I am warning you 'do not come near my family'. You might think I am just saying all this out of hatred but it's true and you know this yourself"

She said all this glaring at me, if looks could kill I would be dead by now! I don't know what I did to her .
I saw her getting up from the swing and walk into the house as tears streamed down my face.

End of flashback

Now I know all her words were true, my parents want to get rid of me and they did a good job on that.
I shaked my head, quickly wiped my face and started working to distract my mind from the chaos happening!

At 5pm I left the office, got home took a nice hot shower , and went inside the closet to look for an outfit, I chose a simple black velvet dress , with a v-line neck and wore it. Did my makeup going for a natural look and curled my hair and put it in a half up half down way. Wore my black heels, took my purse and phone went down after looking at myself one last time in the mirror.

 Wore my black heels, took my purse and phone went down after looking at myself one last time in the mirror

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(Delilah's outfit^)

(Delilah's hair^) I went out to see Paul waiting for me "good evening Mrs

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(Delilah's hair^)
I went out to see Paul waiting for me "good evening Mrs. Huss" Paul wished me opening the back door of the black range Rover I smiled at him and wished "good evening Paul and please call me Delilah".

"Ok Mrs. Delilah" I rolled my eyes knowing this is the best I can get out him and sat down, he closed my door and sat on the driver seat and started the car.

I looked outside, not knowing how I am going to face all the people I love dearly, without breaking down in front of them. But I am not going to cry , I don't want to show them I am weak!


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