Chapter fifteen

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"How can you be sure that he will come? " Ivan drunkly asked and Shawn groaned "you idiot, the freak is desperate to prove that he can do good things. So if we frame him for all the murders then he will come back to prove his innocence and find the real killer and that's when I will strike and end that devil's life. " Shawn said striking a knife hard down on the desk that he was sitting on, the sound made Ivan jump "do you really think you could beat him with just a pocket knife and a small gun? " Ivan asked "who said I was going to use that? " Shawn asked giving his partner a smirk and then leaning down to the bottom draw of the desk, he opened it and inside was a shiny deadly looking saber. "Woah, how long have you been hiding that? " Ivan asked "longer then I've been alive, twenty four years ago my father used this saber to take out the freaks father just moments before he burned him alive at the stake. Now its my turn, " Shawn said picking the saber up and gazing at it as if it we're gold. "So what do you want me to do? " Ivan asked, ever since the two had left the prison and discovered that Jake had died, Ivan had been so drunk that Shawn could barely stand his presence. Not like he could before anyway, "oh I'll be doing most of the work, and I think you've served your purpose. " Shawn said standing up and giving Ivan a murderous look, "what but you said we we're in this together?!" Ivan asked backing into the wall, "I never had any intention of working with you, do you have any idea how much you and that stupid brother hurt my Rose, no because you only cared about making yourselves look bigger. Well let me tell you something, I have wanted to get rid of you ever since you had the nerves to push Rose and laughed while she cried, and since I shot your brother while you weren't looking I think its time I finish the job. "Without thinking Shawn throw the saber at Ivan causing him to be stuck to the wall, sweat dripped down his face as Shawn walked towards him with the knife. "Your a sicko the freakate will never love you, " Ivan declared but it was the last thing he said before Shawn stabbed across the arms and then the chest, "I disagree, " Shawn said through clenched teeth, Ivan died instantly after that and Shawn placed the bloody knife in Ivan's hands to make it look like a suicide. "Justice for my love has been served, " Shawn declared grabbing the saber and walking away from the scene. 'I know your coming freak and once you do, I will give a slow and painful death and  Rose will finally be mine all mine. ' Shawn thought to himself and then began to give out a psychotic laugh,
Adam did his best to mentor Rose in combat training, she was a fast learner and even though she didn't get in alot of hits when she did she hit hard. He also trained her in the ways of duel blade fencing, which she accelled at quickly. However Adam had more knowledge then she did and even after training hours she still hadn't got throw his defenses, and a part of him worried that something would happen to her if he brought her back with him. But he didn't feel comfortable leaving her either, "remember keep your knees bent, shoulders back and have your eyes focused on me. " Adam instructed holding his own weapon which was a sword that Jyn had made for him years ago. "Good now attack me, " Adam said as Rose got into the correct position and she rushed towards him and though she was outclassed she put up a good fight. "You make it look so easy, how did you get so good? " Rose asked exhausted from all the training "years of training Petal, its the only way to get good at anything. " Adam told her, "right do you by any chance, hear anything I said to Amber before you came out? " Rose asked nervously, she wanted to hit herself for sounding so scared, but she had to tell him that she loved him. "Yeah I heard everything, I guess you forget how good my hearing is or you didn't realize that you we're talking so loud. " Adam said and Rose wanted to melt into a puddle thinking he would reject her "I also wanted to tell you, that I've always been in love with you as well. Your my everything and the reason I'm so worried about bringing you with me is because I don't want to lose you. Your my light in the darkness Petal and I love you so much, " Adam admitted and he saw Rose tear up at his confession. She ran to him and kissed him, then said "you won't lose me my dark prince I promise, now stop your mushy talk and hold me. " Rose said feeling tears of joy run down her face, "really my dark prince? " He asked "what you call me Petal all the time so I can give you a nickname too. "

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