Our Steps Forward...

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Ahhh as my feet ache from the heavy weight of my life that weighs upon my shoulders and I'm surrounded by darkness... on a path that is so unclear to me, still struggling to take a step further because I fear where I might end up or I may stumble down a even darker path... getting more more lost every step I take. But then light breaks through... suddenly my back feels so light, I can finally look up while standing tall and then I see a light that looks so bright and its telling me to come and follow it...

Its's a scary journey for all of us but some get lost on their way, because they get pressured or swept onto a path of darkness that ends up hurting them both mentally and physically... so I say god has a plan for us all and he guides us with his light so we can see where our feet may be planted without doubt. Thought it is uncertain where we may go in life god guides us on a path that will bring out the best of us without fail..

Anyways enough of my rambling and on to some simple words, that might help you take that step towards the unknown through our fathers guidance...

"Though you're path may be blocked by unbelievable things that scare you, through our fathers guidance he will show you that with his strength behind you... nothing can stop you from moving forward to becoming who you want to be."

"Your feet sinking slowly into a path that's covered in darkness and you can't find a way out as its slowly pulling you deeper and deeper... and in those moments have faith in our father for he'll lend you his hand to pull you out of that forever void that covers your feet, he doesn't want you to be stuck but wants you to stand tall and take another step on his path he made for you."

"When you come upon a crossroad and you dont know which path to take because both are just as unknown to you and you try to find a solution... like just guessing which is right for you, wait and believe in yourself because our father is walking the same path as you... step by step he follows so you so you are not alone but are accompanied by him as a guide and a light to shine bright so you can see clearly again"

"Thought you feel like you've been walking for so long that your breath becomes weaker and weaker, nothing has barred fruit for you on this path and you start doubting if you're really going down the right path... stay strong for our father will bless you with the strength that never fades away and he will quench your thirst so you'll never go thirsty again because he does not want you to stop and turn back but to push forward and keep determined for your future he's seen..."

"Throughout you're journey you're mind can gain an unbearable amount of stress and you can sometimes get lost in thought and start thinking, am I really good enough to be who I want to be? Can I keep walking if I dont know where I'm going to end up... have faith that our father loves you, That he embraces you and walks with you on the path. For he knows where you will end up and can see unending happiness for you there... a place of peace."

But yes I know how hard it is to walk down this unending path that seems long and windy with turns that can scary and corners that look too sharp, just know that you are being guided by the god above all and he sees what the future holds for you in his kingdom. You are his child and him your father that'll never abandon you on your walk through faith

Our faith in him...

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