Love & Its Endless Turns...

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Love? Happiness? Heartbreak? I'd say they all go under the category of love, love being one of the longest journeys you'll ever embark on. The never ending winding roads to the trips and falls along the way, you'll never know what will happen even if you've planned it out from the start. That's exactly why love is the most amazing thing but also the scariest to ever step foot into, because you're not just giving your heart... but also your mind and in some cases your body to someone else. The trust and confidence that comes from even taking that step towards your significant other can be life changing...

For me love was introduced to me by my mother like everyone else, but growing up that love slowly turned into doubt and hate. You see what I saw was only one side of my mother's love... it's not until I had my fingertips burnt that I saw something else, my mother was one of the biggest things in my life until I saw with my own eyes how she destroyed our family... how she degraded my father... how she'd lie to get what she wanted. She manipulated my father to give her money, she'd gamble it away and then come back for more and of course my dad would give it to her and I always wondered why?

"Why keep giving someone money, when they're just wasting it anyway?"

Now that I look back I see that it was because of "love", That very love everyone chases after that he'd give her whatever she wanted. You see my father loved my mother to the point where he'd give his everything to her. Even after she'd cheated on him multiple times and stolen money, she even accused him of touching his own children to get custody over us, which changed him to the point where once upon a time he'd kiss us goodnight and give us the biggest hugs in the world to being afraid to even touch us again... but in the end he still felt "love" towards her? Isn't that messed up? To me that's something unbelievable, I'd even go as far as saying he was stupid but to him...

He saw my mother as his world, his one and only for the rest of his life and then boom suddenly something went wrong and my mum started to see money signs instead of her own children But my dad even if he was getting beaten to death couldn't see my mother in a bad light and that's just because of love. He told me once while we were talking that he'd even contemplated suicide over what my mother did to him because he loved her so much that he'd rather do anything then live without her. I don't know if that was the drink talking or not but that stuck... just showing the fact of how much love he felt towards her? So yeah this was how love got introduced to me, how love was portrayed to me... I say love is so vast that you can easily get lost, but it's how you use love that defines why you got lost? From the actions you use to the way you speak to one another they all shape what love is going to look like...

God said "Hatred stirs up strife, but love covers all offenses."
- Proverbs 10:12 -

In my eyes love is just like a rose. It's beautiful and it lures you in close enough to touch it, but it hides the fact that it has many thorns underneath its petals. Once you grab onto that you either deal with the pain because you love this specific rose or throw the rose away never to be looked upon by anyone else... Either way it doesnt mean youll be able to keep that rose from wilting away nor it getting taken by another. So yes Love doesn't come easily, there's always hardships and difficulties even in the most perfect of relationships but it's how you deal with them that makes a difference.

Now look at Jesus for example he loved us so much that he died on the cross for us, he took on the burden of our sin with grace and loved us. Pleading to god to forgive us for we did not know what we were doing. He died for us... isn't that trippy? That someone could love anyone so much to die for them...

Jesus said this "But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be children of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous"
- Matthew 5:44 -

Which just means that whether you do good or bad god still loves you. He doesn't judge those who are lost in darkness but shines his light on all, it's just some are blinded by other things so they do not see that light.

But in conclusion all I'm saying is to love deeply, be prepared for rejection and hurt but don't let them stop you from expressing how you feel... I've told you about the bad side of love and the good, but don't ever feel like you're not good enough for love. See we're all worthy of it, it's just about taking that step towards love that's hard for us because we're scared and that's okay. Be patient and take your time because as I said at the start loves one of the longest journeys you'll ever embark on. Someone once told me this "Though we are incomplete, God loves us completely. Though we are imperfect, He loves us perfectly. Though we may feel lost and without compass, God's love encompasses us completely." So have faith and be strong...

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