all I want is time

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Hii everyone, I just want to say thank you so much for 2k reads. I know I took one long break, and I didn't even think I was going to come back. I am glad I decided to come back! Thank you for taking the time to read the imagines; it means a lot to me.

Enjoy <33


Working in the medical field is not an easy job to do. The long hours, the overtime, the patience, just everything is very difficult. You love the idea of helping people. Seeing someone who is hurt, you just want to help them.

Becoming a nurse was something you have always wanted to do. You jumped from different majors in college and were questioning your ability to become a nurse. The science courses were no joke, but having your boyfriend at the time really helped.

When you were studying to become a nurse, Harry was your boyfriend at the time always supporting you and making sure you were taking care of yourself. That was about four years ago when you were only in your early twenties. Harry is now your husband, and you are so happy you get to spend the rest of your life with the love of your life. You couldn't be any happier.

You work in the emergency department of the hospital. It keeps you busy and on your toes instead of moping around doing nothing.

"Y/N, there is a patient in room 51A who needs to be helped," a nurse, Alan, says to you. Alan gives you the clipboard of the patient's information.

"Do you know why they are here or is it on the clipboard?" At first, it was hard to know which patient needed help with what, but after working for this long, it was easier for you to know which patient was which.

"It is on the clipboard, but I can just tell you since I am about to go on my break. This patient has severe pain in her lower right abdomen. It seems like she has an ovarian cyst by looking at her reports from her past visits. This is her second time coming here this week" he tells you.

You look over the document, and you were shocked to see the size of the cyst. It says that it was twelve centimeters which are above the average.

"Okay, thank you. I will go to the room right away" thank Alan. You walk down the hall taking in all of the patience in different situations, worse than others.


You are currently driving home after a twelve-hour shift. Once a month you work one twelve-hour shift, which was very exhausting. You had to do three twelve-hour shifts because Alan had a family emergency and the other time was because someone was sick. You pull up to the driveway to find the porch light which always makes you smile.

Harry always makes sure the porch light is on to be sure you are safe. This has always been something Harry did throughout the time you have been together.

You get out of the car, already feeling the ache in your feet from walking all day. You go up and unlock the door.

You walk inside and drop your bags on the floor. You place the keys into the small bin that is next to the door when you walk in. It was easier for you and Harry because you both tend to lose your keys. You walk to the kitchen and let out a heavy sigh. You open the fridge and take the fresh lemonade you made and pour yourself a glass.

You take several gulps because you were craving it all day. You put the glass in the sink when you were done. You walk towards the stairs and you hear the soft echo of your shoes. You walk into your bedroom to find Harry sitting up on the bed against the headboard, wearing only sweats.

"Oh hey babe, I thought you were asleep" you were always happy to see Harry awake when you came home from work. Harry loves to hear the things that happened while at work.

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