Part 5: Forest Fight (Part 2)

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Soon enough Y/N fall head first to a tree after jumping from the Nevermore. He look up to see Weiss was still there, not ready to jump. Soon enough he catch up with Yang, Blake, Joan, and the two girls that he saw earlier.

Green Monk Girl: "She falling."

Y/N quickly reacted and catch Weiss after running up a tree and using his semblance to catch her, bride style.

Y/N: "See Princess, you be fine."

Weiss: "Whatever! *mutter* "My hero."

Weiss smile to herself as Y/N was looking at Pyrrha, who dive head first near the group, most likely to escape the deathstalker that was on her tail. Y/N drop Weiss so he can get his weapon.

Yang: "Great, the gang is all here! Now we all can die together!"

Y/N: "Not if I can help it!"

Y/N charge head first towards the deathstalker.

Yang: "Y/N WAIT!"

Y/N took at swing against the beast, only for it to repel back with its own attack. Then Y/N quickly switch to his sniper and took a shot. The bullet bounces off the armor and dug itself to the ground right next to Y/N.

Y/N: "Great, the armor is too much, well then. HELP!"

The young Rose took off running away from the beast. Yang quickly ran her off to be by her brother side but the Grimm creature took chase. Soon the nevermore from earlier wanted revenge for being a ride for the boy, it shot his feathers to slow him down. Soon a line of huge feather got between Yang and Y/N.


Y/N: "I am trying."

The boy turn around to find his cloak was stuck. He pull on it and try to get away. He thought for a moment to unclip the cloak but the thought of losing his mother was to much to bear. The deathstalker raise it's stinger and got ready.

Y/N: *mutter* "It seems like I am going to see you soon, mother."

Yang: "Y/N!!!"

Then The boy close his eyes, not wanting to see everyone's faces when he die. Soon he heard ice, ice being formed around him. Those crackles.

Weiss: "You maybe a good fighter, but you are still childish at times."

The boy open his eyes to see Weiss was in front of a wall of ice that stop the stinger that was inches away from Y/N.

Y/N: "Weiss?"

Weiss: "And dimwitted, and hyper active, and you might be great in range but you close combat. Don't even get me started. I suppose I can be a bit, difficult but if we are going to do this, we will have to do this together. So if you stop trying to show off, I be nicer."

Y/N: "Okay, I might have try to show off, my fault. But as long as you know I can help you, I think I be fine."

Y/N was able to push the feather off the cape.

Weiss: "You are fine." 

She start to walk away from the boy as he stands up. Soon Yang jump on Y/N and hug him tight. Almost crying.

Yang: "I am so happy you are okay! I don't want to lose another person in my life!"

Y/N: "I am not going anywhere, you don't have to worry."

Soon the nevermore from earlier saw that the boy was still alive and launch out a screech. This cause the two to look up and ran back to the others.

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