chapter 1

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Frank walked down the hallway holding in his tears while listening to his favorite song. He got very emotional every time he listened to it. “They always claim they know me,

Comin' to me call me Stacy.” He found himself softly singing the lyrics as a tear made it’s way down his face, “I'm the F to the E, R, G, the I, the E,” He got on his knees “And can't no other lady put it down like me.” 

He suddenly saw everyone running to class. He took out his earbuds, and heard the bell. “Shit not again”, he groaned. He got off the floor and walked to his last class, Art.

As he walked in, he saw Mr.Way teaching the class about nipple tassles.

Maybe if i quietly sit in the back, he won’t notice. Unfortunately Mr.Way had ears like a hawk. Frank shoes squeaked. shit. Mr. Way’s head turned all the way around like an owl. Frank could’ve sworn his eyes briefly turned red. “SEE ME AFTER CLASS”, he said while his nipple tassels swang back and forth. “Yes sir.” Frank mumbled.

The bell rang. Frank tried to leave with the other kids; hoping Mr.Way would’ve forgotten. “IERO”, an all too familiar voice called. Frank huffed and sat where he was sitting before.

Mr.Way pulled out a chair and moved it in front of his desk. “sit.” he said. Frank followed his orders and quickly moved to the front of the class. As he did so, Mr. Way shut and locked the door, then closed the shades. “So”, he said as he sat down at his desk. He put his feet on a stack of paper and crossed his arms “You were late.”

“I know sir, it’s just that i ha-”  “Shh” Mr. Way said putting his finger to franks lips. “I don't care why you’re late… But for whatever reason, you will be punished.” Frank gulped the lump in his throat.

 Mr. Way got in closer, their noses were almost touching. “Now we can do this the easy way.. or the way where I fuck you in the ass.” 

“second one pls” 

Mr. Way backed away and stood as if he was getting measured, with his chin up and his eyes staring down at Frank. “Do you have any butter left from lunch?” Mr. Way said sternly. “ye-yeah.. I saved some”, Frank said pointing to his pocket. “Good. We’ll need that later.”

Frank frowned. “What will we need that for?” Mr. Way got in closer, “The sex, child.. The sex.” “o” Frank said wide-eyed. Frank was confused. He didn’t know much about the sex. ‘Could I get preg nut?’  If so, he would be glad it was from Mr. Way. “Have you ever had the sex?”, Mr. Way asked. “No… I have jesus” Frank said, not wanting to sound gross. “Well, now..”  Mr.Way slid onto franks desk. “You have me.” Mr. Way started kicking his feet as if he were a child who just received icecream.

Frank was turned on by his teachers sass and ass. Unfortunately, Frank has never been turned on before, this was a new experience for him. Frank unzipped his pee pee ziber. His dingdong slid out and fell on the ground. “Uh, I think I may need to see a doctor.”, Frank said frowning. “And why is that sweetheart,” Mr. Way said as if he was a 1950 soccer mom, wearing cat eyes and red lipstick. “Because my penis is large and purple.” “Oh thats fine! Mine does that all the time!” Mr. Way said in a reassuring tone. “It also fell off and ran across the room..” Frank said getting up from his seat, doing a 360 turn, to get all aspects of the room. Mr. Way and Frank looked at each other, then started to look for it, as if they had a psychic connection.

Frank and Mr.Way searched the room for his penis. “Maybe I.. maybe it was just my period,” Frank said looking down at the blood pooling where his dick used to be. “This happens, right?” “I.. uh”, Mr. Way took a step back with his hands behind his back. Frank frowned at this, “Is everything alright?” Mr. Way’s eyes searched the room and he was sweating like a prostitute in church. 

He grabbed Franks dingy that was in his back pocket and held it up like simba from the lion king. He hit frank with it, “Call me Gerald”, he whispered. Which then, followed by hysterical laughing, he developed vagina flaps that sagged to his knees. He then, ate frank with his wang hole.

“Some frankie in mi hole, tu keep th place nice and clean” Gerald said. He then shoved a graham cracker up his fingerhole.

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