4/5 A few hundred letter and maybe some more.

47 4 0

Dear spring.




It's been a long time hasn't it? Okay it's been a few days, but you get it. I don't know where you are, or if you're even thinking about this old place.

The business- is still falling apart. Will is stress, surprisingly he took it better than I thought he would. Well, as well as you can for a man who threw a wrench at me. Yet, I dodged it!

Hope you are well, see you soon.


It's me again! It's been a month, sorry I didn't do this sooner, I just haven't gotten a reply. The business isn't well, but will is determined to keep it running. Up until he can't pay the bills. The kids are nice, I over hear them talking about you. Hot shot I say!

I'm still cleaning, and what not. Doing my best to make sure nothing else will fall down! One of the lights fell, scared my half to death. Well if I could die, you see.

I miss you spring, take care.


You know, how when you stay quiet, you can picture things? Like a whole world all inside your head.  I don't know the name for it, yet I find myself doing it. More so now, that the store is closed. Yet you know that, right?

I don't like the sounds, the dark, or the wispears I hear outside. I miss how kids used to run in this place. Even if they were gross. Hey, what's a kid that isn't gross, right? I wonder where you are. Who you are. If I even really know you now, if you even know me. How much can a person really change in a few  years?

I guess I could leave. Yet no matter how much I try I just can't. Guess I'm still waiting for you, or maybe it's just nerves? No matter what I got my head.

Even now. I write you letters. I don't even have a pencil, but I still do in my head. Some where I hope you'll get it, but I know you won't. You can't help that.


You aren't here.

Pretty dumb right? Pathetic for me to do. To be this way.

Take care.


The glass felt so thick. It was cracked at it's corners, becoming older and older with age. Fred stood there. Watching at how the hours ticed by. The posters peeled over themselves, as the bear just stood. Eyes reflecting the hazy surface on the outside world. Silently, he waited. Taking his hand up, as he brushed a rag past it, in small circles.

Everything was so- dim. The lights where out, but things stayed spotless. As he kept on, sweep, sweep, sweeping into the night, just like every night.

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