Chapter 1 Virgil

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Ships included in this story: Intrulogical, Prinxiety, Dukceit, Logicality

"Jinx get off the table." Virgil complained as his cat Jinx looked looked up at him with her odd eyes.

She proceeded to nock his new potion off the table with her tail, while staring at him. "Honestly Vee. You need to go out more." Her silky voice was teasing.

"YOU CAN'T DO THAT." Virgil yelled as she laughed. "Are you serious? That was my toad transformer. Thanks a lot."

Great looks like I have to get more from the store. Just my luck.

She licked her paw, her eyes flashing. "You're crazy." She tilted her head at him. "Go on. You should go into town and visit Pat. He's already worried about you living in the woods by yourself."

Virgil rolled his lilac eyes as his favorite jacket flew over to him. "Fine. But only for a few hours. If I'm back and this place is on fire I'm going to be so pissed." The cat only swayed her tail at him, her eyes showing her amusement.

It would be nice to get out for awhile...

Virgil scoffed and threw his witch hat at a table as he swirled into a cloud of leaves and appeared at the edge of the forest. Vanishing was much faster than walking, but risky among nonmagicals.

He walked down the block. Looking along the houses. Most of them looked like cabins, some actual houses. The town wasn't very big, and everyone knew everyone else.

Virgil was quite familiar with the townsfolk and found two of them quite interesting. Patton, the man that owned the bakery in the heart of town, and Logan, the gentleman that stayed in his house all day studying anomalies, unless he was down at the bakery.

Virgil loved hanging around them, but Logan put him on edge. If Logan found out what he was...the consequences would be harsh. Though there was something always off about him. Virgil could never put his finger on it though.

He walked into the bakery as the bell rang. He was the only customer in there.

"Hi!" Patton chimed cheerfully from behind his counter, his brown-blond curly hair spilling over his glasses. "Virgil! Long time no see kiddo!"

"Hey Pat." Virgil awkwardly waved as Patton's blue eyes lit up in excitement, happy to see his friend.

The two had been close for years, Virgil meeting Patton when he got lost in the woods.

Wow I haven't visited in a while and he still has that cat sweater tied around his neck... Logan gave it to him a long time ago.

Logan walked in next, a book in hand as usual. His black hair was frizzy, and had a streak of white like a lightning strike going up the side of it. His goggles were perched on his head, and his labcoat was stained in what looked like Jam, Blood, and Purple slime.

"Doc you got some blood on your coat. You might have cut yourself on your machinery." Virgil pointed to the lab coat.

Logan looked down as his eyes went wide. "Dammit. Ugh I forgot to clean this up. Pat, do you mind if I use your bathroom and borrow some clothes?"

This was a thing Pat and Lo would do to each other. They usually just lived at eachothers house. Or used to. Logan had gotten more paranoid the past year or so, making hanging out harder for everyone.

Patton smiled. "Yeah sure! Put your clothes in the washer I'll be up to do the laundry in a bit. You can borrow my blue long sleeve shirt and overalls if you want! They might be a bit big on you though..." Patton looked at Logan's scrawny frame. He seemed to always be very thin, no matter how much he ate. It didn't makes sense.

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