Chapter 2 Roman

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Roman checked his watch. He was supposed to meet his brother at the lake.

Where is he?

Roman groaned and started getting hungry. His brother was supposed to be there an hour ago and the two of them were going to eat steak.

"BROTHER!" Remus popped out of the lake as a seal.

"Remus I swear to God. I'm feeling bitterly jittery and not very glittery. I'm STARVING." Roman gasped dramatically. Remus rolled his eyes and shed his seal skin into human form. "OH SWEET MOTHER OF HAIRBRUSHES PUT ON CLOTHES."

Remus shrugged and jumped into his usually sparkly attire. "You wanted to see me brother?"

"Uhm yes. Have you found anyone else with...strange abilities like us?" Roman asked curiously as he viciously bit into the steak Remus brought him, getting blood on his outfit.

"Oh you mean like Virgil and Patton?" Remus looked up from his kelp rat bar.

"YOU KNOW ABOUT THEM?!" Roman shrieked before quieting down. "Sorry..."

"Uh yeah. I get around Roro. I also met this cute lamia in the woods. He was pretty nice." Remus said with his mouth full. "Then there's also that dream demon, normal demon, umm what was it again? Oh ghost! Yeah they're pretty sweet."

Roman gave him a look. "I don't believe you."

"Hmm Okie dokie. Anyways who were the chicks on your arms?" Remus asked curiously.

Roman groaned. "Layla and Kaylee. They shoved themselves on me." Remus raised his eyebrows and grinned. "Ew no. They just kinda stayed there and made me super uncomfortable."

Remus shrugged. "This isn't exactly my department but my advice is either fuck them or tell them to fuck off."

Roman slightly smiled at his brothers enthusiasm to help, even in his own way. The two used to be very close before a monster purge fourteen years ago. They got split up and watched their parents get killed. They hadn't spoken much and usually got mad at eachother untill a few months ago when they tried talking again.

Remus yawned. "Well I'm going to get back to doing...seal things and stalking that Lamia. Same time tommorow?"

"Yeah sure. See you then!" Roman waved.

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