Chapter 3 Emile

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Emile passed what looked like a nonmagical but he had a witchy vibe. This town was strange. A red head vampire was also walking out and ran into the shadows.

He recited the demon code in my head again and again. You drag people down not pull them up Emile. You drag people down not pull them up. You drag people- what's the point. I can never go back. I'm already a therapist. Lucifer will have my head on a stick if he finds out. And look unbelievably good looking while killing me. As usual.

He walked into the bakery as a bubbly man at the counter greeted me. "Hiya you must be new! I'm Patton. This is my friend Logan.

"Salutations." The obviously dream demon said. Emile studied him carefully before Logan returned the look.

"I'm Emile."

You're a dream demon! I'm guessing you can read minds... Emile thought.

Not entirely but yes. In a nutshell I can read minds but everyone's thoughts are so loud I usually tune them out. Logan didn't look up from what he was reading.

Hmmm interesting.

And your a demon yourself... The classic kind?

Yep. Litterally straight from hell.

Logan looked back up at Patton and Emile snapped back into reality. "I'm Emile."

That doesn't sound like a normal demon name...

Neither does 'Logan'.

"Nice to meet you Emile!" Patton chimed cheerfully. "Welcome to Oregon!"

"Do you how do?" Emile asked.

"Ha I'm good. Do you have a job here yet?" Patton asked Emile.

People are going to be suspicious with your new arrival. Logan looked down at his book and continued reading.

"I'm a therapist. If you need any help let me know!"

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