King of the Mods

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The word crawled through your mind like a bug creature with an alarming amount of legs. 

You we absolutely obsessed with fashion. It consumed your life when you weren't at work, wait scratch that, you thought about it when you were working too, just not as much.

Speaking of work, you worked at the Zooniverse, along with Howard Moon, Sir Bainbridge, and the immaculate Vince Noir. 

Vince fucking Noir.

What a showstopping menace of the mods.

Vince Noir is how this story begins, how it ends, and what it's all about. Basically, this is about Vince Noir. All of it, because fuck it, you were in love. 


As you finished your monotonous work of cleaning the drugged foxes cage, you sighed to yourself. Whether only reason you still worked there was because of that one person, but was it even worth it? Vince hardly even paid attention to you anymore, he was always off on some fantastical adventure with that nobody Howard. You felt betrayed, and frankly, very needy at this point.

You reached the broom closet to deposit the cleaning supplies, and slammed the door with contempt. 

"Hehe. Hey pretty. Whatcha so angry about?" A familiar voice snuck up behind you.

"Oh!" You gasped in surprise. "Nothing. Just uh... bored with today's work I guess."

"Well aren't we all then." Vince chuckled with his kind smile. "Hey, I have this mod event tonight, and I was wondering if you would like to go. You're the only one who cares about fashion, and you wouldn't embarrass me like everyone else here. So whaddya say?" 

This took you by surprise. "Uh, yeah! Of course! That sounds amazing!" You cried in elation. "But I won't try to upstage you, King of the Mods!" You laughed as you bumped his shoulder with your fist. 

"Wear whatever you like, it doesn't matter to me." He winked.

This was far from normal for Vince. He was obsessed with his title... was he into you?

"Alright well I guess I'll see you there... where is it exactly?" You inquired.

"Oh I'll be picking you up." He stated. "If that's... ok of course." He caught himself.

"Hell yeah if you're up for it!" 

"I'll see you at eight then." He winked as he strutted past you, his scarf brushing your shoulder. 

The amount of happiness in you boiled over. YOU WERE GOING TO BE VINCE NOIR'S DATE AT A MOD PARTY! 

~time skip brought to u by baileys in a shoe~

Eight o'clock 

You had compiled a magnificent outfit, all topped off with sequins and an Elizabethan neck ruffle. You were ready to rock Vince's world.

You heard the sudden ding of your doorbell and rushed to open it. Vince stood in the doorway, sporting a sharp blue suit with Peacock feather wings. 

"Oh hell yes!" You said in reaction to his outfit. 

"Hehe. I'll say the same about yours." He smirked. "Come on doll, lets get To that event." 

You struggled to get into his van, since his peacock wings were crowding the front seat.

He pushed the gas pedal with an alarming amount of force, and the two mods sped off into the distance.

After a short drive, you arrived at the party. It was held in a quaint and sizely garage lit with purple disco lights.

"You ready?" Vince Noir said with swagger.

"Let's go."

He snaked his arm around your waist and caught you by surprise. You turned to gaze into his eyes and he winked.

"Just go with it." He whispered as he smiled, and the two of you made your way into the party.

The event itself was very small, but it was jam packed with the human and inhuman alike, (there were a large amount of wolves at this particular event) all mingling and showing off. 

Vince made a beeline for the small stage set up in the middle of the room, and pulled you up with him.

You stood awkwardly alongside him, waiting for what was about to happen next.

Vince reached for the microphone and raised it to his lips.

"Can I have your attention please?" All heads turned to him. "As king of the mods, I would like to make a royal decree. This fair maiden next to me shall be crowned queen of the mods. That's not up for debate."

You gasped. Queen of the mods?

There was a collective chatter throughout the crowd.

Vince grabbed a plastic crown out of his wings and placed it on your head. You looked at him with surprise and elation. He smiled at you, then kissed your cheek. You turned a bright beet red while butterflies were dancing in your stomach. 

After you made the rounds in greeting your 'subjects' as Vince liked to call them, he took you into a corner of the room and said, 

"This parties kinda bum. Wanna go outside, get a breath of fresh air or something?"

"Oh uh, yeah!" You replied.

You were soon dragged outside by the beautiful man. 

"So uh, the reason that I took you here was... uh, I really like you, like in a romantic way. I have never really felt this way about anyone else. You have always meant a lot to me and... you know, I wanted to let you know." He stammered bashfully.

You has never seen Vince so vulnerable.

"I really like you too. I've liked you for a while actually." You smiled.

"You know... you can touch my hair... if you want." This was a high honor in the book of Vince Noir.

"Hehe. Thanks." You chuckled.

You both gazed into each other's eyes, and leaned forward. You could make out all the contours of his face and the faint blue eyeliner he was wearing. His deep blue eyes stared right back into your dark brown ones. 

Your lips met softly, and you engaged into a gently passionate kiss that seemed to last hours.

After the kiss ended, you stared at him as you grabbed the top of his neck, feeling the fringe that hung onto it. 

"So uh... now that we are officially a couple now, can we take this back to my place?" You said.

"Oh hell yeah."

Vince picked you up by your waist and held you up so your hands rested on his shoulders. 

"I think I love you, Queen of the Mods."

"I think I love you too, King of the Mods."


Aaaaaa so that's the very first one shot I've ever written! Idk if it's good or not, but there seems to be a lack of Vince Noir x reader content out there, so I hope you guys enjoyed! Don't forget to vote!🖤

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