Fast Friends and Long Nights (non-binary Y/N)

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WARNINGS! Major fluff! And mentions of smut!

So in this story, you are a shaman that has been invited to the flat by Naboo as a friend to help out around the place. This is inspired by my shifting script so it's kind of for my shifting benefit as well lolz!

Anyways, that's just some background for you guys to have before you read the story! Enjoy :)!

An intense ringing sounded in my ears, it echoed off of my bones and bounced throughout my brain. My senses were clouded with a sense of numbing power that I could only find while rocketing through realities, my mind set on the one I wanted. I felt a light cushion appear under me, and I smelled burning incense. I opened my eyes to view the resplendent reality of The World of the Mighty Boosh. Just the one Naboo instructed me to travel to. I caught my breath, and silently congratulated myself for shifting so seamlessly. 

I gazed around the room. A dark crimson paint coated the walls, as posters and tiny shelves with a myriad of trinkets adorned the endless redness. I sat cross-legged atop a black-and-white couch complete with geometric designs and an unraveling orange pillow. I craned my neck to view a small staircase behind me, and a window above it, showcasing a rainy London sky and the man in the moon. A quaint kitchenette was to my left, and a small DJ table and a circular chair were to my right. 

"I could stay here." I faintly whispered. 

A magical aura surrounded the place; I wasn't sure if it had anything to do with Naboo, but either way, I wallowed in the good energy. I arose from the couch and stretched, feeling electricity course through my whole body. I trudged over to a small mirror hanging on the wall at the top of the stairs, and inspected myself. 

Perfect. My heavy eyeliner was intact, my ebony lipstick was in peak pointed condition, and my raven backcombed hair was looking marvelous. I sighed in relief. 

"Now let's see where Naboo is." I thought to myself. 

My thought was interrupted by a creaking noise, and the sound of male voices. I spun around, and saw three men (one of whom I recognized to be Naboo) and a gorilla standing at the bottom of the stairs.

"Who are you?" The guy with tiny eyes inquired.

"Oh this is Y/N, they're a shaman friend I summoned to help with things around here." Naboo chimed in.

"Take care of things? We can take care of things ourselves without the help of some gothic magicky demonia-wearing berk." The pretty man in the disco ball jumpsuit cried in an offended manner. 

"Well obviously you can't. That's why I'm here." I said curtly.

"Bollo need to have talk with Naboo first." The gorilla, who I can only assume was Bollo, grunted. 

Naboo took a stern tone, "what's your deal? Y/N is a wonderful shaman and I think you'll get to like them! Now bugger off!" 

The men huffed up the stairs. The tacky brown-haired old one approached me first and offered his hand.

"I'm Howard Moon, man of action and jazz connoisseur." His thin hair fell limply above his crab-eyes.

"Nice to meet you!" I reply kindly.

"'Oward, move it!" The one with the beautiful hair scolded as he pushed his friend forward.

"I'm Vince, Vince Noir. I guess your Y/N then." Vince flashed a gorgeous and sincere smile that made my heart leap inside of my rib cage.

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