The Secret is Revealed

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Troy had been stab with a wooden stake. Everyone was still in the dining hall crying over his death. Troy body had desiccated from the wooden stake. Velvet was feeling like it was her fault because Troy tried helping her. Goodwitch had Cardin suspended in her semblance. She couldn't look at Troy and contacted Ozpin. RWBY and JNPR were still crying not leaving Troy's side. 

Unknown to them Troy's body was slowly healing itself. Eventually, Troy body had healed and he woke up. Troy sat up and saw everyone crying. He figured they hadn't believe him when he told them he was immortal. Troy called out to them. Everyone looked up at him and saw he was alive. He was instantly dog piled by RWBY and JNPR. He groaned from the unsuspecting tackle. 

He laughed and told them he was fine and they should have believed him when he said he was immortal. Everyone got off of him and most of them were visibly happy. Ruby was still crying and said, "I thought you were going to leave again." Troy started panicking because the only time she could be talking about was when she was a child. He acted oblivious and asked what she meant. She jumped on him and started hugging him again and in mix of tears called him an idiot father. 

Troy didn't know what to say he didn't know how she could remember him. He asked her how she remembered him. She still crying told him when he was stabbed she remembered everything. Goodwitch spoke up and told him they all did. Ruby was still hugging him crying. Troy put his arms around her and let a few tears fall telling her he was sorry. Ruby eventually settled down and told Troy to never leave her again. He told her he would stay with her for eternity for he was immortal after all.

 Ruby was happy and smiled at him and said, "thank you dad." JNPR was confused but was letting the moment play out. Troy stood up and was about to say something when he was punched across the face. He looked at the culprit and saw an angry Yang. She told him he had no right messing with their minds. Troy just told her he had to it was the only way to keep Ruby safe. 

She punched him again and told him he didn't even let her choose. Ruby was yelling for Yang to stop and that it was enough. She wouldn't stop and kept beating into Troy. When she was beating him he didn't raise a hand against her. He just took it. Her strength was enough to make him bleed and break his nose but he just healed. She eventually settled down and she stopped beating him up. Weiss then walked over and slapped Troy.

 Everyone was shocked at this and didn't know why she was mad. She scolded Troy for compelling her on her 15th birthday. He just chuckled and told her he was just giving her a little help. She sighed and told him thanks but not to compel her again. Troy told her he wouldn't and she let it go and walked away. Velvet walked over and told Troy she was sorry. Troy looked at her confused and asked why she was sorry. She told him she didn't know how he was alive but he almost died protecting her.

 He laughed and pat her head causing her to blush. He told her he did it because he wanted to she had nothing to worry about. Blake couldn't contain her curiosity anymore and wanted to know how Troy was Ruby's father. She also wanted to know how Weiss knew him. Troy rubbed the back of his neck and said, "well that is a long story." Blake, Weiss, and JNPR all yelled that he wasn't getting out of it that easy.

He sighed and told them he would tell them later. Troy looked over at Goodwitch who was being silent. Troy walked over to her and awkwardly asked if she remembered everything. She told him she did and now knows why he wouldn't reciprocate her feelings when he came back. Everyone heard this and all wanted to know what she was talking about. Troy sighed and just told them they would talk later in a more private area and looked around the dining hall at all the other students.

They were all looking at him in shock. None of them seemed to hear the conversation about Ruby being Troy's daughter. Troy saw Cardin floating with Goodwitch's semblance. Everyone saw Troy look at Cardin and gulped in fear. Troy made his way to Cardin. Goodwitch called out to him not to do anything stupid. Troy just smirked at her and kept walking to him. Cardin who was in a mix of shock and fear was trembling at Troy's approach. Cardin couldn't run because of Goodwitch it wouldn't do much for him anyway. Troy saw that he was black and blue and laughed at Cardin. 

Troy told him he made a mistake. Cardin was begging for Troy not to do anything. Troy asked him why he should give him mercy. Cardin could be seen frantically looking for a reason and gave up. Troy saw this and told him he just saved himself from death. Cardin sighed in relief but was still fearful. Troy had told him if he had tried to say a reason he would have killed him. Troy proceeded to ask Cardin to say what he really thought of Faunus.

Cardin tried lying and Troy grabbed Cardin by the neck. Troy told Cardin that if he didn't tell the truth he would die. Cardin looked dejected and started crying. He started saying Faunus were animals freaks of nature that shouldn't exist. Troy let go his neck and slapped his cheek and told Cardin he was a good boy. Cardin started crying even more because he was being humiliated. 

Troy proceeded to punch Cardin in the stomach shattering Goodwitch semblance. Cardin dropped to the ground and spit up some blood. He was having trouble breathing. Cardin after regaining his breath looked up at Troy in hatred. Troy kicked him across the face knocking him to the ground. Cardin was on the ground in pain. Everyone was watching the brutality but weren't stopping it. Cardin was back to begging for Troy to stop. 

Troy put his foot on the back of Cardin. He told Cardin he wouldn't have to worry he would live. However, he would only be half a man. Cardin didn't know what he meant and started asking what Troy was talking about. Troy answered by stepping on Cardin spine and shattering it. Everyone could hear the bone break and Cardin blood curdling scream. Troy got off of Cardin and leaned down and got face to face with him. 

Troy told him they were even now and that he was lucky he was shown mercy. Cardin was crying from the pain. Troy decided that was enough and decided to let Cardin suffer. Troy went back to RWBY, JNPR, Goodwitch, and Velvet. They knew he could have done worse and didn't say nothing to him about the brutality.

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