Freddy Krueger x reader

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Damn. You've never felt so tired in your entire life.
You've had a rough day. First, you stubbed your toe when you got out of the bed this morning. Second, you only ate an apple and drank some milk for breakfast because you forgot to buy some groceries. Third, you were fired from your work place because your boss mistook you with your coworker, who made a big ass mistake.

And now,

It's fucking raining on your way home, you don't have a car and forgot to take an umbrella with you.  "Could this day be even worse?" You said, while walking down the street. There were a lot of puddles, and surprise surprise... A car just drove through one, right next to you, making you soaking wet. You sighed in frustration "Note to self:  never EVER say  ,,could this d-,,... Those words in the same sentence again, it's a death wish, Y/N." You said yo yourself, you even put those words as your home wallpaper on your phone. 

When you eventually got home, you walked upstairs, and plopped down on your bed, groaning. You dramatically sighed a few more times before getting up and going to take a shower. You stayed like 30-45 minutes in the warm water, refreshing and cleaning your self with majestically smelling shampoos and other girl stuff. After you were done showering, you dried yourself off (including your hair), and got dressed up with some comfortable clothes, you live alone after all.

"Well, might as well start looking for new jobs... Dick."  You harshly insulted your not-anymore boss, while opening your laptop. You started looking and to be fair, you did find yourself interested in many of them "Baby sitter?  Eh, maybe,  chef? Well... I'm not too bad of a cook if I say so myself-... Maid?  I've seen enough anime to know where this is going...yawn..." You began to softly close your eyes and drift off to the dream land.

You opened your eyes, looking around just to see that you're in a boiler room, your eyes widened only for you to close them again and sigh, you knew exactly where you were. You heard a faint laughter coming from above you, and you looked up to see none but Freddy Krueger himself. "Well heyyy, baaaby" Freddy chuckled,  "ugh...Freddy... What do you want?,  I'm not in the mood for this, let me have this night to myself." You blurred out.

"Aw... Why would I do that sweetcheeks? Had a rough day? Oh! That reminds me of that cheesy pickup line-  did you sit on a pile of sugar? Because you've got a pretty sweet a-"  "Freddy."  You said sternly, gritting your teeth.

"Ok ok, just kidding- what happened, huh? I've heard you curse out your boss?",   "Yeah... Well, he's not my boss anymore so-" ,  "have you ever told him that, you know, that he's a dick?"  "Yeah!  ᴵⁿ ᵐʸ ᵐᶦⁿᵈ..." ,  Freddy chuckled again "what did that poor excuse of a human being say?" , you explained to him what happened to work today, and the rest of the day, Freddy frowned . 

"Don't worry sweetcheeks, I gotchu, Freddy's gonna give that man one hell of a night." You both giggled,  "thanks..." Freddy's smile widened, waiting for something, you sighed  "sweetie..."  He laughed in victory.

"Well sweetcheeks, gotta give that man what he deserves, I'll let you sleep peacefully now, ight?", " Mhm, thanks hon."  You kissed his burnt cheek. The dream world started to fade out, and just before everything went black, you heard ,  "and don't forget what I said Y/N!"  "What?"  "YOU'VE GOT A SWEET ASS!", and everything went black.

You woke up, it was around 12-1 AM, it was Friday, so you had no work to do the next day, well, you don't have to work now at all, until you find another work place, you lied back down and said,

" I know, thanks."

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