Brahms Heelshire x reader

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[ this was requested by someone on Quotev]

"So this is it, huh?..."
You sighed in excitement.
You were in front of the Heelshire house. "That's a big ass house right there..." You muttered under your breath.

You never thought you'd actually find it, but you did. You wanted to go in the woods by yourself, to see if the rumors were true.

Well, they weren't really  ,,rumors " , it's just that when Greta left the house with Malcolm, they may or may not warned the people out there about the Heelshire house. You , of course, heard about it, and decided to investigate on your own, and see if it's still there, because why not? You didn't work for the FBI or something like that, you were just curious.

Of course , you weren't really interested in that story before, when it started, but the idea of finding the house and... Him, slowly crept into your mind, who knows, maybe you'll get famous after this?

You did wait a while, like a few months or something like that to get a little bit of free time, because you do have a work place though.

Ok, enough with the past.

You knocked on the door, not really expecting any reaction. You you let out a surprised gasp when the door actually opened, slowly. "Hello?"  Nobody answered, a part of you was relieved but the other part was kind of disappointed. The echo of your hello's could be heard in the entire house, there were no other sounds than your voice. "Hello? Is someone there? Anybody?..." You asked. Just after that question, you could hear another old, wooden, door open, creating a slight  ,,creak" noise.

The creak could be heard from upstairs.  You felt a shiver run down your spine, maybe it was because of the open windows? Whatever the reason was, you decided to go there and get in that room. When you got upstairs, you got as close as you could to that door, but didn't enter yet. You wanted to see if you could hear something, which you didn't. You gulped down your own saliva, and slowly opened the door even more so you could get inside, with your eyes closed.

Once you got inside, and opened your eyes, you saw the doll that Greta mentioned when she got back in America,  "Wait, didn't she say that the doll got destroyed by Cole?... Uh... What was his name... Brahms?" As soon as that name came out your mouth, the door behind you closed. It made you gasp in surprise, you turned around and to your shock, there was a tall man, wearing a mask, his beard could be seen behind it, with a cardigan on his body, you could see stains on his shirt, and some body hair as well.

You coughed "Uh...Brahms?..." 

"Yes?" He answered you, in a childlike voice. That kind of startled you, especially when there's complete silence.

", you're... Still here." The last part wasn't spoken as loud as the rest of the sentence, but he heard those words loud and clear enough.

"Do I know you?" He asked.  "Oh- Oh! Haha- no- I don't think so, I- we- don't know each other." You chuckled nervously.

"I see... How do you know my name?" , "O-oh! Well, you know, uh- you remember Greta, yes? When she had come back to America, she uh- may or may not have told us about what happened here, in England."

Brahms didn't really like that response, he didn't want to hear about Greta, after she left him, he didn't want to have any kind of contact with anybody, yeah sure he still felt a bit attracted to her but... She's gone, so he had to get over it.
But to be fair, when he saw you outside the mansion through the window, he felt... Something that he only felt when he was with Greta.

He hummed in agreement, looking down at the ground. You were uncomfortable, it felt like you couldn't breathe properly, so after playing with your fingers behind your back and looking at anything inside this room but Brahms, you said "Oh well, it was nice meeting you Brahms, in... Uh... In person I mean, but I gotta go now! Hahah, bye!"

But just before you could get past him and open the door, he grabbed your wrist, stopping from doing so  "h-huh?..." You began to get even more uncomfortable. "What are you doing?..." You murmured. "You-... You remind me of her...", the childlike voice now gone, replaced by a more deep one " Who, Greta?-" , "Yes, Greta!" You decided to shut your mouth for now, and listen to what he was saying. He sighed and continued "You're as pretty as her... Maybe even prettier?... I like you." He tightens his grip on your wrist. "O-oh well, t-thank you, you're too kind!" You said agitated, trying to get his hand off of your wrist. "I want you... To stay here... With me." , "I-I beg your pardon?!",  " You heard me." , "I can't just stay here with you! I don't even know you!", " That's a good opportunity for you to get to know me better, and also for me to get to know YOU better." , "E-excuse me? Are you crazy?!", he slightly chuckled, " Yes, crazy about you." Brahms said in a more hushed tone.

Well, you can forget about getting famous.

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