Chapter Two

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The alarm wailed back at the Sheriff's Office.

Both Badgerclops and Adorabat had had a rather rough night. Adorabat had been thinking every crick, squeak, and groan outside her window and out in the living room was Mao Mao coming home, and Badgerclops kept thinking there was one extra slice in the pizza box that he had not finished. But maybe in the case of Badgerclops the only thing he was missing was Mao Moa as in the back of his mind he began to fear that Orangusnake had done more damage to his pal than just to his pride.

Anyway, it was too early to be woken up for battling bad guys or monsters after such a night, and both Badgerclops and Adorabat drooled their way out of bed.

As they reached the living room where the alarm was going off, Adorabat was suddenly struck with an idea that woke her faster than caffeine.

"I bet Mao Mao's gunna beat us there!" she gasped, and she zipped out the door as fast as she could.

"Hey, wait!" called Badgerclops. "We're taking the Aero-Cycle, right? I mean, I'm not gunna run down into the valley first thing in the morning without breakfast, Adorabat!"

"No!" shrieked Adorabat. "No one touches the Aero-Cycle until Mao Mao gets back!"

Badgerclops moaned.

Now, down into the valley where nestled the quaint heart-filled town of Sweetie Pies, Orangusnake was causing chaos for the gentle citizens. With sacks open and his cronies looking more the usually menacing, Orangusnake slipped out his glasses to read his list of demands.

Someone behind him was shrieking at the fire blazing from the remains of the library.

He was just about to set his glasses into place when he let out a disgruntled sigh.

"Look! We're sorry about the library!" he hissed. "It's not like we did that on purpose! That oil tanker just popped out of nowhere! C'mon! Get a grip people!"

As a fire engine came to put the fire out, Orangusnake shook his head importantly and put his glasses on.

"Because we have ki— Oh, excuse me, everyone!" he tittered apologetically before going back to his serious villainous tone even if the Tanner-half still blushed with a queer little smile. "Because we have destroyed Sheriff Mao Mao we are taking full advantage of pillaging your town. If you prefer your Pure Heart Valley to stay intact we recommend that everything we desire be put into the sacks that fit the type of object on the list orderly and in single-file. As you can see we have electronics, furniture, and various food, etc, all legibly labeled for everyone. Pictures too in case anyone here is illiterate. Now for the list. Ahem!"

"Please, Captain Orangusnake, can't we be reasonable about this!" beseeched King Snugglemagne clasping his paws together. "There must be some way we can negotiate to satisfy both parties."

"Um, I believe I already made my case quite clear, Sire," said Orangusnake. "Either you comply with what I've said. That would be dope. Or DON'T!" he snarled that last bit and thrust one of his huge orangutan fingers towards his Tube-Cannon III.

Boss Hosstrich patted it devilishly.

With a shriek Snugglemagne squeezed his paws to his chest.

"But—but!" he sputtered. "How can you be sure that the sheriff's dead?"

The whole town gasped in horror. Even the fire was forgotten and started the post office next door on fire too.

"Well! We meant 'destroyed'," said Snugglemagne with a dignified sniff. "Of course, we meant destroyed."

With arms crossed staunchly he turned his head away with regal pride.

Everyone calmed down and the firefighters showered out the fire before it could spread to the nearest fast food joint.

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