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"You're rather quiet." Jacob began after driving for some time. I was counting the lamp lights on either sides of the roads, listening to the lady on the GPS. "Hm?" I turned my head to look at him. He took a quick glance at me and then back the roads. "You haven't said a word since you got in the car." He repeated.

I gathered the air in my mouth, releasing it in a pop. "I'm nervous." I finally blurted. "And I am so, sorry I picked up a call that was meant for you,"

"Rosie." He said.

"It's' just that we have exact same phone and phone case, so I thought it was mine and I was half asleep and.."

"Rosie." He chuckled. "You're okay, really. It was an honest mistake, no harm done, you can let it go. Although.." he trailed as he made a turn for a restaurant not too far away with dimly lit lights. "I am gonna apologize beforehand, my friends will bombard you with pretty uncomfortable questions."

"What do you mean? I gulped as he stepped on the break gently and the car came to a halt, he pulled the break and turned off the engine. "They think you're my girlfriend."

Before that registered into my head, he had already gotten round the car while I unclasped the seat buckle. The car door opened wide and Jacob stood there with one hand on the door handle, waiting for me to get out. "Thank you." I smiled politely. "Pleasure's all mine." He answered as he slammed the car door shut. We walked side by side into this restaurant called 'le Boeuf'.

"It's means beef in French." Jacob said as he caught me glancing briefly at the expensive looking sign board. "Oui." I answered and he looked at me, impressed. "Not bad."

"I try."

As we walked into the fairly crowded restaurant, all the tables were filled to the brim and I was pretty sure that places like this did not allow walk-ins without reservations and I was right. "Sir, do you have a reservation?" the receptionist, dressed in a dark blue body con dress with her auburn hair knotted tightly in a low bun, smiling politely as she asked.

"Daniel Hewitt." Jacob said.

"Right this way please." Maddy, her name tag read, led us from the front of the restaurant towards seated customers. Jacob looked around and spotted his friends almost immediately at the center of the restaurant. I assumed the person who waved was Daniel since he had the biggest smile and an overly enthusiastic wave.

"Here you go Sir, Ma'am, please be seated, and here are your menus for this evening." She smiled as we took our seats and two menus placed right in front of us. "And you must be the lovely mystery girlfriend? I believe we spoke over the phone just over an hour ago?" Daniel leaned over the table and offered his hand. "It's nice meeting you, I'm Rosie." Instinctively, I reached over and shook his hand while Jacob greeted his friend's partners at the table, kissing them on the cheek.

"Danny, don't you scare her, hello, I'm Sophie and this is my fiancée, Daniel." Sophie was dressed in a beautiful baby blue dress and her brown hair was woven into a neat French braid. She smiled kindly at me. "Hello, I'm Nadia and this Mark." Nadia was British, I could tell it from her accent. Her rich honey colored hair stood out to me and she too, was smiling at me.

"We're not actually dating." I waved at Jacob and I. "He's uh.."

"I moved in yesterday."

"Ah, so he's your new roommate then?" Mark asked. Mark was British too. "Yes, he moved in last night. He did freak me out for a bit." I admitted sheepishly.

"Was he standing at your door naked?" Daniel chuckled, sipping his wine. "Don't be ridiculous." Jacob waved him off. "My sleeves were bloody, she thought I was some sort of criminal mafia or something."

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