Quick Note

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Hey! Welcome to my book! This is my first work so I hope it isn't all that bad.

Well anyways, a few things I wanted to say before heading into the story.

First off, Y/N will be identified using she/her pronouns. If you do not identify as a female, do not worry. Gender has little to do with the experience. The only real differences will be the pronouns I use whilst writing, your classmates will address you as a girl, and that Y/N will be put in dorms with the girls while on trips and any other times the group is split up by gender.

Secondly, Y/N will not have a love interest during this adaptation of the show. I did this purposely so you can develop your own love interest if you would like during this story with whichever character you decide to.  I suggest if you are interested in having a love interest, just simply add a mental note on who Y/N likes while you're reading, and maybe use your imagination to add some more scenes with any of them, or to change how Y/N acts around them.

On a side note, comment which character you like. I'm curious.

Lastly, if you do enjoy this I will take requests.

Now without further ado, let's get into the story.

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