Chapter 11

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"Rightful? Rightful? You aren't even a part of this pack witch!" Lydia screamed, making Helena roll her eyes at the grown woman in front of her, "At least I can say I was born a witch and a hybrid Animagus. What about you Lydia? Oh yes, a squib, nothing more than a powerless muggle." Helena snarled, her soft green eyes now the colour of molten silver and luminescent purple. The entire pack was hushed as Lydia growled, "At least my mate wants me you little whore!" she screamed, Helena's eyes flickered but it stayed the colour as the moon beams shone on her and the goddess appeared, making the entirety of the pack fall to it's knees. "Ah, ah, ah my dear." She said, softly caressing Helena's cheek, "Don't let her get to you, it's just her tactic to make you scared and weak." Lydia and the pack were shocked as Helena smiled at the woman, "Yes Mother I am sorry was almost foolish." The Goddess smiled before her eyes lingered on Fenrir, "You, Alpha, you have forsaken the right of a mate for you have let the spells of witches and wizards take over your mind, yet from my childrens minds I realised that that particular potion, only works if there was still an underlying feeling of sexual want towards the person. I can sense the clarity in your mind since you have seen Helena boy, and you have kept quiet because you doubt she can win against this woman, that was not meant to be born a werewolf, nor was her fate deigned to be a child of the moon. That is why I will officiate this fight, the winner will have the spot as Luna and the loser is deigned to the winners whims, but," she looked at Fenrir, her eyes glowing white as her voice thundered throughout the sky and forest, "If my child wins, she will decide whether you are to be her mate or not, if she does not want you, you will leave her be, but will not be able to carry on your lineage as she does So it mote be." Thunder flashed across the sky as her proclamation rang out, the pack began to whisper as Fenrir slowly gulped, and as the clouds crossed the sky, the time to fight had begun.

Lydia was the first to transform, she was cocky, thinking that the petite girl was no match against her, her bones shifted and snapped into place, but she was medium sized wolf, much like the size if Remus, Helena blew out some air and cracked her neck, fingers and back. It had been some time since she had fully transformed into the hybrid she was, she felt her eyes cloud over with the molten silver and purple irises her form was known for, her bones snapped, crunched and regrew in weird angles as tufts of hair began to litter along her skin, her face became long and angular as her teeth lengthened and grew into rows of canines that snapped as her back bent and her knees become flexible, her arms now bigger, with claws the size of razors. She stood as tall as the Alpha wolf, and there was no denying who was the true Luna, Lydia charged forward, not realising the difference in size, speed nor height, till she neared her, she stumbled as Helena's hand shot forward, gripping onto the woman's neck, she threw her against the ground and howled, a sound reverberated into the minds of those in the forest, the animals and the centaurs even the giant spiders peeped through the cervices to watch the ongoing fight. Lydia swiped at Helena who didn't as much budge as move nor flinch, she snapped at Lydia's hands as she drove her teeth into the bone twisting her jaw as it broke the bone, making the older woman scream and howl in mercy and pain. Helena stopped, the battle was over and the winner was clear, she turned to her pack, which now had 3 betas and a general, when she felt a swipe of a paw hit her head, she stumbled and caught herself before Lydia could attack again, this time, not a howl but a roar was heard. She caught the woman mid air and drive her body into the ground, watching the life leave her eyes as struggled in agony, when she had died, Helena ripped her body limb from limb and threw it towards the spiders whom gladly scuttled off with their food. She turned, her claws and muzzle bloody with shards of bone attached to the fur, "I win."

Back at the manor, Voldemort had an urgent call from Dumbledore. "She is dead TOM! DEAD! I saw what she saw, Helena ripped her to shreds, massacred her body and threw it as food for the spiders!" Harry was sitting on the floor near Voldemort's feet, his face white as the blood drained out o his body, Voldemort leaned forward, his face tense. "We have a problem then."

After cleaning herself off, it was time for Helena to make a decision, she chewed her lip in anticipation as she tried to make a good decision, "I will stay on as his mate." Fenrir sighed in relief, "but, I will not forgive his insolence towards me. He needs to earn my love back." She walked away, the twins, Darius and Rico following her as the pack thronged around her, introducing themselves to the new Luna as Fenrir stayed behind. The Goddess watched the alpha, "What is the matter child." she asked softly, the man broke down, crying out his heart as held his head, "I've lost the only woman I've ever wanted." He sobbed, the Goddess wiped away his tears and patted his head, "All is not lost young one, she is still holding the key to your heart and you hers. You just need to prove to her that your love is worth her time and energy." And with that the Goddess disappeared, leaving Fenrir with much to think about.

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