-22- Mission

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(3rd person FoV)
The four mobs went through the Overworld, following Herobrines' tracks back to the house. The way would be pretty long, but the mobs hurried.
Little did they know that a little cave spider was following them from above.
Endigo sighed after half an hour. "Are we there yet?", he asked. Witho sighed. "No, not yet. But it shouldn't take too long anymore.", he answered. The creeper and the zombie were looking around, searching for something. Anything, to be honest.
The little spider followed them, watching them closely. She was ready to attack if necessary, but the king told her to not do anything like that. She was just supposed to watch. And she didn't plan on disappointing the Lord.
Endigo looked around, obliviously feeling that he is watched. A bit confused he stopped the others, looking around. "Something is odd. I have a feeling that someone is following us.", he said, looking up. The little spider immediately pressed herself against the wood next to her, taking a deep breath. Lancer looked around too before sighing. "There is nothing, Endigo. You're just too anxious because of what has happened." Zomb took Endigos' hand, gently pulling him after him. "Everything is fine. Come now, we have to get this done before someone gets skeptical.", he explained. Endigo hesitated, but as Witho and Lancer left as well, he let Zomb take him with him.
The spider sighed quietly. A bit longer and her cover would've been blown.
She continued to follow them, gently clicking her teeth together. She was nervous because those four were her friends, but at the same time she was fully under her Lord. She didn't want to make him disappointed after what he did for her.
A witch had ripped her canines out just for the poison. Then she left her in the cave. The little spider nearly bled out if it wasn't for Herobrine who took her with him. He cared for her far before he went insane all those years ago.
The spider smiled slightly as she remembered what it was like what she woke up, questioning the hell out of the demon. Since that day she only listened to everything he said.
The four stopped again. But the spider missed the next twig and fell from the tree, screeching. She closed her eyes in fear, knowing that this might already be the end.
She landed in a pair of hands who held her close. She slowly opened her eyes and looked around, seeing that Endigo had caught her. "Riley?", he asked and carefully lifted her up. She hissed a little bit. "Shit."
"You were the one following us, right?", Witho asked. Riley rolled her eyes. "Yes. But only because the king said so.", she grumbled. Endigo looked at the others. "We will take you with us, bit only if you won't say anything to Herobrine. We all know that he wasn't himself. Something is in his mind, and he can't get rid of it himself.", Endigo explained. Riley hesitated, then she sighed. "Alright. My mouth will stay sealed shut if I'm allowed to know where you guys are going." Endigo nodded. "We're finding Steve and Notch. You remember what the guards told us? That's his boyfriend and his brother. We need to find them and tell them what he said, or else war will break out once again. And no one of us wants that.", Zomb explained. Lancer sighed. "Notch is the only one who can get close enough to at least hurt Herobrine, and Steve might be able to get into his memory.", he explained. Riley hesitated. "I don't think that this will work. He's a bit too... Insane." She hated to talk about her Lord like that. But she also knew that there can't be said anything else. It was the ugly, naked truth.
Like they said, she was allowed to come with them. They traced back Herobrines' steps until they arrived at a deep ravine where two men were standing in front of a house, looking around. One of the windows was shattered, explaining why Herobrine seemed a bit hurt.
They hesitantly went down the ladder into the cave. Riley just climbed down the wall, but as soon as she touched the ground as the last person, a golden sword was put on her back. Notch wasn't very happy that a bunch of mobs were just sitting in the cave now, and neither was Steve, because he came closer with a sword as well.
Endigo raised his hands. "We're not here to harm you in any way! We just need help!", he explained as calm as possible. Notch looked at the Enderman, scowling. "What do you need our help with? You're the servants of Herobrine, aren't you?" Endigo nodded. "Exactly. And tats the reason why we are here. The kin returned and he's... Not himself. He's insane, and wants to take control of the whole world.", he explained. Notch and Steve looked at each other hesitantly before they lowered their swords. "Ok? And what are we supposed to do? He escaped when I talked to him.", Notch asked confusedly. Lancer lowered his head. "We thought you could maybe get to him, mentally and physically." Riley looked at Steve and Notch as well. "Yeah, if you're able to get to him and talk to him, maybe he will stop being insane." Notch hesitated before shaking his head. "No, I don't think this will work. Herobrine is quite aggressive, but you can get to his heart easily. If he's insane, tho... I don't think anything will work." Zomb hesitated. "And what if we attack him and weaken him, and then you two come in and put him into the dungeon under the castle? He doesn't quite know how to get out, and I'm sure he might calm down then." Notch hesitated. Steve stayed silent all the time, but then nodded. "Yeah, this might work." Notch nodded as well. "Yes... But there's one thing about this. He's claustrophobic.", he mumbled. Steve hesitated. "But he wasn't claustrophobic when he was tied down here...?" Notch shook his head. "Because he wasn't stuck in a tiny cell. If we catch him and throw him into the dungeon, we'd need to first knock him out, tie him up in the dungeon so he can't hurt himself and then wait until he wakes up. If he's awake, he will probably try to get out, so we need a few guards down there. And little to no light.", he explained.
So, it was agreed. The mobs would stay in contact with Notch and Steve until everything was ready. Once Herobrine was weakend, Notch and Steve would try to knock him out, put him into the dungeon, tie him up and wait until he's either sane or calm. Then they could talk with him a bit better.
Riley, Zomb, Witho, Endigo and Lancer said goodbye to Notch and Steve and then left back to the Nether. In the meanwhile they caught some rabbits and brought them with them so it would look like they were hunting for real.

1190 words

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