9. Search

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All of us had gathered in front of the house, preparing to go to the island.
"Hermione, the teleporting spell ASAP.", said Harry.
"Wait!", stopped Edmund. Everyone looked at him.
"What?", asked Hermione.
"You can't use the teleporting spell to go to the island.", he replied.
"But why?", asked Hermione.
"Elizabeth's spell has created a shield around the complete island. You can't get teleported to the island with that shield on.", he replied.
"You know how to break the shield, right?", I asked him.
"Yes, that's why I'll go first. This process is very complicated. I have to use the teleporting spell as well as the shield breaking spell, side by side. When I'll break it, I'll give you the signal. You have to be quick. Elizabeth would know that someone has entered into her shield.", he replied.
"Wait! How'll you give the signal?", I asked him.
He looked at Hermione.
"You understood?", he asked her.
"Yes.", she replied, "But does your sister knows, that you can break through her shield or that, it was you, who was involved in her imprisonment to Azkaban?"
He was lost and silent then. He looked at me. My eyes were asking him the same question. He looked at Hermione and replied, "No."
And that was it. In one turn of his wand, he had gone.

A long time had passed, since Edmund had gone to the island, but he had not given any signal.
"Hermione, did you get something?", I asked her.
"No.", she replied.
"Something has definitely gone wrong. Shield breaking can't take such a long time. We need to check if everything's fine.", suggested Harry.
All of us agreed to what he was saying.
"I am thinking something, but I don't know it will help though.", said Dad.
"What is it Edward?", asked Mum.
"Nessie's magic has always worked past shields.", he said. All eyes turned on me, "We all know, her magic had not only gone through Bella's shield but also through Renata's shield. So, it might work through Elizabeth's shield too.", he continued.
Harry looked at Hermione.
"What do you say?", he asked her.
"I think, we should give it a try.", said Ron.
"How can we give it a try? It's my magic that goes through shields and not me.", I replied.
"Nothing to worry about. Try that new spell, I taught you yesterday.", said Hermione.
"Will it work? I mean, I was doing it wrong.", I replied.
"I saw Edmund teaching you the same, so it will work, positively.", she replied.
I instantly exchanged a look with Jacob, who was giving me an angry expression.
I took a deep breath.
"Okay, I'll do it.", I replied. I took out my wand and then closed my eyes.
"Inspirito teleporto, Edmund!", I said and flicked my wand. After five seconds, I could see something, in front of my eyes. It was the island. I could see the blue sea and I could see the sandy shore. It was day. I saw Edmund, lying unconsciously on the sea shore.
"Edmund!", I said. He didn't change his position.
"Edmund!", I said again, a little louder. His fingers moved and he opened his eyes.
"Renesmee?", he asked looking around, while getting up and sitting in his legs.
"Yes Edmund. It's me. What happened?", I asked him.
He stood up, rubbing his head.
"Where are you? I can't see you. Am I dead? Are you my internal voice?", he asked.
"You're fine Edmund. You can't see me because I am using the Inspirito teleporto spell. What happened to you? You had gone to break through that shield, hadn't you?", I asked.
"The shield!", he exclaimed, "I totally forgot. I am sorry Renesmee, I don't know what happened. I'll break it right away."
He then took out his wand and stretched his arms apart and spoke something under his breath. Then he raised his arms towards the sky and then used his wand. A blazing white light came out if it and stroked the almost invisible shield.
"The shield has gone, be quick!", he said.
I opened my eyes.
"Hermione! Quick, the teleporting spell.", I said to her.
All of us gathered into a circle and Hermione started the teleportation.
As soon as we reached the island, we saw Edmund waiting for us.
"Are my eyes still into the socket or gone?", asked Mum to Dad.
"They are there, but I think, mine have gone.", he said and smiled.
In that moment, I got a flinch.
"Elizabeth. She's coming.", I said.
"All of you stay together. Jacob, Sam, I want you to take care of your pack. There'll be some things on the island that will try to move you away from your target. Renesmee, Edward, Bella, there's a possibility that you might see your family in the forest. They'll be mirages. The powers of this island will make you remember the things that are closest to your heart. Wizards, protect them from mirages.", said Edmund and looked at the forest, "And now, let's start for the forest."
The search for our family begun. All of us were walking together in a big group, sighting for that one clue that may take us back to our family.
"She has repaired it.", said Edmund, suddenly.
"What?", I asked him.
"The shield. She has repaired it and she knows that you're here, now she will tell others.", he replied.
"Does she knows that you too...."
"No. She doesn't knows that I am here.", he replied, even before I could complete my sentence.
There was silence again and the search continued. It was now nearly noon and the forest seemed to have no end. Suddenly, I saw a tower, at a distance.
"Look, what's that?", I asked Edmund.
"That's an ancient tower. Our old Druid used to live here.", he replied.
"I think we should go and check there.", I suggested.
So all of us advanced towards the tower, with whatever power, we had by now.
The tower, and it's surroundings, were deserted. As soon as I stepped into the open clearing, in front of the tower, I had an another flinch.
"They were here.", I said.
"Can be, but now, they are not.", replied Edmund.
"Damn it!"
"It's getting late, we should better stay the night, here.", he suggested.
"No, we are not. We are going ahead to search others.", revolted Jacob.
Edmund looked at him.
"What do you know about this island, huh?", Edmund asked Jacob, in a husky voice.
"I think, better than you do.", replied Jacob, coming almost to his face.
"Whoa! Wait a second!", he said smiling, crookedly, "You don't know anything. This island is not only ruled by moon at night, but also by creatures, you will never dream of, even in your worse nightmares. Is it safe to move around the island, when you don't have any powers and there's danger at every step you take?", he asked Jacob.
Jacob looked at him and then at me.
"I don't think so.", said Edmund, completing his sentence.
"Jacob, I think, Edmund's right. We can continue the search tomorrow.", I said, or I should say, I tried emotional blackmailing him.
"As you wish.", he replied and then gave a dirty look to Edmund.
We climbed the tower. The stairs led us to a filthy looking, small room.
"Do you see these crashed pieces of wood?", asked Mum to Dad.
"It's Uncle Emmett written, all over it.", I replied.
"They were here. They tried to escape but failed.", said Dad, predicting the most obvious.
When it was nearly midnight and the big moon could be seen through the window, Mum-Dad and Jacob, were sitting with me. Jacob, till now, had fallen asleep. But I was restless. I was unable to sleep for more than an hour, because the wolf group was snoring at the top of their lungs. Mum-Dad were wide awake, and were talking.
Finally, I got up from my place and started descending down the stairs.
When I reached outside, I saw Edmund, standing and staring the moon. I walked over to him.
"It's beautiful, isn't it?", he asked me.
I nodded.
"You didn't sleep?", he asked, looking at me.
"You can't sleep when you're among wolves.", I replied and smiled.
He grinned.
"Uh, Edmund, I wanted to know that what had happened back there?", I asked him.
He looked at me, confused.
"Why had you fainted? Was it because of some weakness caused by the spell?", I asked again.
"No. It's not the weakness. I told you that this island makes you remember the things that are closest to your heart. As soon as I reached here and was going to start the shield breaking, all of my old memories loomed up in my peripheral vision. Those old days, when I was with my family, when I was with my parents. That was such a wonderful time. But I didn't know, that these memories, would overpower me and then, there was blackness.", he finished and looked at me. I was lost in thinking over things, he had said to me.
"Well, it was very good idea to use Inspirito teleporto spell, and you did it perfectly. But I didn't get one thing. How your magic worked, when the shield was around?", he asked me.
"Thanks for appreciating my spell, first.", I said with a big smile.
"Mention not.", he replied with even bigger smile.
"And second, my magic has this special gift to go through all sorts of shields.", I replied.
"It's wonderful! You're a real extra-ordinary wizard.", he complimented me.
"Well, someone has to take the credit.", I replied.
His smile changed into a small laugh, and mine too.
"Why don't you go and sleep? You need it, if you want to search for your family tomorrow.", he suggested me.
"I can't sleep.", I said becoming serious, all of a sudden.
"Yes you can. Because, you're not a full vampire.", he reminded me.
"This is not the reason.", I replied.
"The reason is, you think too much! You are always thinking about your family, about your friends, your boyfriend. You are all into your head. You need to get out of it! Give yourself the first priority.", he said.
"The day, I'll start giving myself the first priority, that day will be the end of this Renesmee, standing here, in front of you.", I replied. Sincerity, echoed through my each word.
"You're not only extra-ordinary, but also quick witted.", he said again.
"I know!", I replied.
"I am generally not fond of company and I don't get impressed easily, but I have to say, you have proved me wrong.", he replied, grinning.
I smiled.
"You're perfect.", he said again.
"Same to you. All you need is, to get out this guilt!", I replied.
"Guilt?", he asked, demanding an explanation.
"Yes. This guilt is eating your from inside. You're getting shallower, everyday. That's not good.", I explained.
"I don't get it.", he replied.
"I think, you're living in a guilt of handing your own sister to the Ministry Of Magic. You don't want to understand that you did nothing wrong.", I replied.
He was silent then, lost in deep thoughts, staring at the big moon.
"Edmund, what is it?"
He glanced at me.
"If you consider me your friend, then please don't hesitate.", I said again.
He remained silent, still looking at me with those black pair of killing eyes. Finally, he turned his face towards the moon and began.
"When I was in my teens, round about seventeen or eighteen, I went to the Totem Hill. It's the highest hill ever, present on the island. I went there to practise some old spells. There, I saw my sister in her most terrible avatar. She was doing something, that didn't make any sense. She was gathered amongst black figures and was talking them, in some, out of this world language. The only thing that made sense was that Totem Hill, was, now the most powerful place on the island. After that, I didn't take a moment to inform the Ministry Of Magic, who took her to Azkaban.", he finished, but he was still lost.
"Wait! Totem Hill! Renesmee, I know where your family is!"

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