10. Totem Hill

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Once again, I opened my eyes and saw myself and others, tied to poles, which had strange pictures painted over them. I felt weaker than the usual. Some because of thirst and some, I suppose, because of the moon.
"Where are we?", I asked with a light voice.
"No idea Alice, but I feel so weak, that I can't even free myself from these ropes.", replied Emmett.
"But one thing is for sure. This place is at a higher level than the rest of the island. The moon is unbelievably closer to us.", said Jasper.
"Right.", agreed Carlisle.
"Oh my! What's going on? I am so worried.", said Esme, in even lighter voice than I had.
"Don't worry Esme. We'll be fine.", Rosalie, consolidated her.
"How Rosalie?", I disagreed. All eyes met mine.
"And how everything's gonna be fine?", I asked again, emphasising on the word, 'fine'.
"Look at us! We are so weak! Just like a stupid dead body! What are we gonna do?", I asked. I could feel my vampire instincts coming out.
"Sit back and pray!", an another voice echoed through the place.
We turned into the direction of the voice and we saw her. Elizabeth.
"What the....", said Emmett, twisting his eyes.
"Say whatever you want. I won't feel bad. Actually, seeing you like this, gives me satisfaction.", she said in her cunning voice.
"Get out of here.", I said with clenched teeth.
"Guess what? I am not. Cause you know why? This is the Totem Hill, the most powerful place on this island. You're nothing here.", she replied, smiling crookedly.
"Why are you doing this?", asked Esme.
"What do you know about loneliness, huh?", she asked, getting serious all of a sudden, "Living all alone, in a high tower for twelve years, without family, without friends, the person you love."
"Time doesn't comes back Elizabeth. It's better late then never.", said Rosalie.
"You're right. Better late then never.", Elizabeth mumbled under his breath.
"But you know what blonde, no hard feelings. I am doing this for Wavell. He'll hand me over my kingdom, it's people, my lost respect and", she said staring hard at Rosalie, "And he'll hand over that traitor.", she said in a fist of anger.
"And now", she said staring at me and Emmett, "I won't take much of your enjoyment. Later then."
She walked out of the scene. Her departure was followed by a long silence.
"What now?", I asked again.
"Don't give up Alice. There'll be some way.", said Carlisle.
"What way Carlisle?", I interrogated him, once again, "Even if we get back our powers at day, we can't use them under the shield."
"Sound depressed!", an another voice echoed through the forest on the hill.
"Not again.", said Emmett, making a face. This behaviour of him was understood. William, Henry and Colin were advancing towards us. Finally, they were standing in front of us.
"Henry, Colin, even if we are without powers, I feel very powerful. And you know why?", asked Wavell, addressing us.
"You're happy to see us like this.", Carlisle said, ironically.
"Dear Carlisle, can you read my mind? Just like your Edward?", he asked, smiling crookedly.
"Don't get his name on your dirty mouth.", I replied with clenched teeth.
"Calm Alice! I don't have to get his name on my mouth, as he's in person, here.", he replied.
"What? Edward's here? Where's he What have you done with him?", I asked furiously.
"Dear lady! Don't get too furious. I have done nothing.", he said with a pause, "Yet." Three of them laughed out loud. Then they stopped.
"Your extra ordinary niece, has come with her parents and that dog to rescue her family.", he said.
"His name is Jacob.", all of us replied in chorus.
"Would be, but not for long, because he's gonna die a dog's death!", he replied and smiled.
"That's it!", said Emmett and tried to free himself from the ropes but instead, he got an electric shock.
"Emmett! Are you alright?", asked Rosalie.
"Yes, I am fine honey.", he replied.
"Feelings for a werewolf? Who is our natural enemy.", said Wavell.
"He's not just a werewolf, he's a part of our family.", I said, protesting his every word.
"Of course.", said Wavell, mockingly, "Family of werewolves and vampires." They started laughing again. Finally, they stopped. Wavell's diplomatic smile was gone from his face. He took on a serious look.
"I'll wait for sometime. Let them come to rescue you, then we'll see them.", he said.
"Mind it Wavell. Even you don't have powers at night and under the shield.", Carlisle reminded him.
"You forgot my old friend. Every night is accompanied by a new day. And about that shield, Elizabeth works for me.", he replied.
He turned towards the forest and departed with two of them. All of us were silent for a long while.
"I told you that Renesmee will find out about this island, didn't I", I asked them.
"She shouldn't have come here. This place is very dangerous. What can they do without powers?", said Carlisle.
"Powers of only Vampires and Werewolves get nullify on the island. It should be noted that Renesmee is a wizard too. She can use her magic, effortlessly because her magic goes through shields. This means that Wizards are also with her.", said Jasper.
"You're right Jasper. But it's her magic that goes through shields. Nobody in person can enter the shield.", I replied.
"This means that they are taking the help of an outsider, who knows how to break through Elizabeth's shield.", said Carlisle. We agreed to him.
"And he's not just an outsider, but also related to this island.", predicted Emmett. He made sense.
"But what to do now? That outsider would know that we are trapped here. He or she will tell Renesmee and then all of them will come here to rescue us. That's a trap! That's what Wavell wants!", said Rosalie.
"Agh! This place is getting in my nerves.", said Emmett, irritatingly.
"Don't waste your powers Emmett. We need it for the day. We'll find some way out.", suggested Carlisle. We agreed to him and started waiting for the dawn.

The Twilight Saga: Summer Moon (Fanfiction)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang